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Chapter 2

Shen Moting's body stiffened, his fingertips trembled slightly, and his breathing became faster unconsciously.

As soon as he entered the gate of the mansion, a subordinate came over holding an official document, but was interrupted by Shen Moting with a stern face: "You can take it to the study first, I will deal with it later." However, Shen Moting just looked expressionless

. , but there is a faint mark left between his eyebrows due to frowning, which makes him look calm and intimidating, adding a bit of sinisterness and fierceness. His whole body has a demeanor that makes people dare not look directly, but they are only lightly touched by his eyes. At a glance, the subordinate trembled unconsciously.

The subordinate did not dare to say anything and nodded solemnly.

Shen Moting suppressed the strange feeling in his body and walked quickly to his bedroom. Not only did he quickly lock the door, but he also used the regulator to lower all the automatic curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows. The whole room instantly became dark.

Shen Moting's stagnant face looked a little better. He took out a syringe filled with blue liquid from the storage buckle and took off his black military coat, revealing a white shirt that was a little tight with muscles.

The room was already covered by a strong sweet scent of strawberries, which was the pheromone of Shen Moting when he was an Omega in heat. It was in sharp contrast to his cold and indifferent appearance.

Shen Moting's long, white knuckles trembled as he unbuttoned the tightly tied buttons, revealing his smooth right arm, and then injected himself with an inhibitor with one hand.

The cold liquid flowed into his blood vessels, quickly soothing his restless emotions and unbearable body. Every cell in his skin no longer heated up with thirst, and the hot and uncomfortable feeling in his chest gradually calmed down. He lowered his eyes and looked at his naked body. Upper body.

He has broad shoulders and narrow waist, ample chest muscles, strong but elastic muscles, and eight conspicuous abdominal muscles that tremble slightly with his breathing. He has a perfectly proportioned figure, as flawless as a carefully carved sculpture of a god. But countless hideous and ugly scars were spread all over his body, like the unsightly gaps in fine porcelain, shattering all beauty.

His appearance is what people say is the best alpha, but no one likes this strong and heroic Omega with scars all over his body.

Shen Moting pursed his lips in frustration, his crow-feather-like black eyelashes trembling slightly.

He is twenty-seven years old.

Most of the Omegas his age have had two or three children, not to mention getting married.

But Shen Moting has been training in the army since he was young, and later became famous. However, because he wanted to hide his identity as an Omega, he was unable to get off the ground. He even deliberately kept a distance from others, and did not get too close to anyone except for necessary social interactions.

Shen Moting has never even held the hand of the opposite sex, let alone been marked by an alpha.

He put on his clothes a little lonely, and tightened the buttons one by one until he reached the top of his neck.

I should probably be alone all my life.


Shi Yi is Shen Mo Ting’s confidant and confidant, and is familiar with Shen Mo Ting’s character. He knows that although Shen Mo Ting looks cold and solemn, in fact he is cold-faced and soft-hearted, and he has never been honest. He can lose his temper and anger others, and everything is business-like, so Shi Yi is not as afraid of Shen Moting as others.

But when he saw the daily interactions between Shen Moting and the little princess, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Teacher, does that mean that as long as I adjust the control stick to L, the mecha can glide with the lowest energy consumption?" Ning Shu frowned and asked seriously.

"Yes." Although Shen Moting still looked expressionless, his tone was very gentle: "It is best for a beginner like you not to use more difficult mecha skills. After all, safety is the most important thing. "

Thank you, teacher." Ning Shu nodded obediently, with pure black eyes, like an ignorant and innocent deer, which made Shen Moting feel affection for him.

So Shen Moting paused and couldn't help but said: "I will practice it for Your Highness in the main control position later. Your Highness will try it again. After that, I will always accompany you in the passenger seat." Ning Shu stroked the fine

hair He smiled sheepishly: "Teacher, am I very stupid? Teacher teaches me for so long every day, but I feel that my skills in driving mechas have not improved much."

Shen Moting shook his head, with a hint of imperceptible tenderness in the corners of his brows and eyes: "Your Highness is still so young and has only been exposed to mechas for more than half a year, but he has been able to train mechas as a soldier in the army for two or three years. He is already very powerful. ."

This is such a harmonious scene of mentor and friend, but when it comes to Shen Mo Ting, it's almost as if he's hit the devil.

Shi Yi still remembered that when he and his brothers were practicing mechas, they were used as sandbags countless times and were ruthlessly knocked down by Shen Moting with almost broken arms and legs.

Not to mention that they can get one or two words of praise and such meticulous and patient teachings from Shen Moting. Shen Moting will always just glance at them coldly and say in a cold voice: "You didn't survive five minutes under my hands? You can only do this on the battlefield. Feed the worms. I'll count to three and stand up and continue."

But the man who was cold and solemn outside, stern to the point of being meticulous, turned steel into softness in front of Ning Shu.


“…Sir, will you marry the princess as soon as she comes of age?”

On the way back from the palace, Shi Yi’s face flushed red, but he couldn’t help but ask.

Shen Moting glared at him coldly: "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm just Shu'er's teacher, nothing more." Not to mention that

Shen Moting is twelve years older than Ning Shu. Shen Moting and Ning Shu are both omegas. How could they be together?

Shen Moting just looked at Ning Shu who was so well-behaved, smart, and innocent as a cute deer, and couldn't help but love her, treating her as his junior and younger sister.

"But for the past six months, you have spent several hours with the little princess every day. I have never seen you be so caring and gentle to other omegas. In fact, you are interested in His Highness. Are you embarrassed to admit it?" Shi Wings pursed his lips.

Shen Moting raised his eyebrows, and was about to scold Shi Yi sternly for not talking nonsense, but the automatic hovering car stopped suddenly before it left the palace airspace.

"What's going on?" Shi Yi looked at the suddenly chaotic and noisy flow of people and traffic under the window. At this time, there were countless mechas with strange behavior hovering in the palace airspace. Shi Yi clicked his tongue in confusion.

As the sound of death knells came, Shen Moting's face darkened: "Go back quickly." The

emperor died suddenly, and the ambitious regent would definitely take action against the legitimate crown prince Ning Shu.

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