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Chapter 29

Ning Shu looked at Yun Lingyue blankly, as if he still didn't know what he was talking about.

Suddenly, she suddenly covered her belly, looked at Yun Lingyue in disbelief, and slowly said: "You..." Yun Lingyue

's vision was already soaked with tears, and she could only see Ning Shu's blurry face beating in front of her. , he suddenly knelt down, pulled the hem of Ning Shu's skirt, and repeatedly murmured in a hissing voice: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I'm sorry..."

At this moment, several neat footsteps walked into the hall.

Ning Qiu smiled happily: "Shu'er, I didn't want to disturb your sleep at first, but since you are leaving soon, as an uncle, I should come and see you off in person, right?" Ning Shu seemed to feel like it at this moment

. As if she had sobered up, she frowned, staggered back a few steps, and looked at Yun Lingyue in disbelief.

The mental strength she relied on disappeared.

"Is there something wrong with what you just gave me to drink?"

Yun Lingyue bit her lips, lowered her head and said lowly: "Your Majesty, my family is in the hands of the regent. I'm sorry..." Apart from apologizing, he seemed to Never say anything else again.

Over the past month, Ning Shu had treated him extremely well, and it was not that he had not been moved. However, the handle of his family was always in the hands of the regent. His whole life, he was like a moth enclosed in a glass cover, seeing the people so close to him. Warmth, but can only hit the cold bottle wall again and again.

Ning Shu looked around in a panic, but the secret guards who always stood around never appeared, and her face gradually became ugly.

Ning Qiu seemed to have noticed Ning Shu's uneasiness, and smiled proudly: "Your Majesty, it is better not to look for your secret guards anymore. I estimate that these little guys will be almost eliminated by my ninja hands." Ning Qiu said

. Qiu looked at Yun Lingyue beside him, as if he remembered something. As an alpha, he was very powerful. He casually lifted Yun Lingyue beside him, grabbed his hair and showed off: "Your Majesty's secret guards patrol and change." The deployment of the post was leaked, and thanks to Ling Yue’s careful observation and recording every night over the past few months.”

Yun Lingyue lowered her eyes and did not dare to look at Ning Shu, but tears slowly flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Ning Qiu, on the other hand, waved to the person behind him with a proud face: "Do it."

Now that Ning Shu has no mental strength and no secret guard, there is no evidence at all. Even the ministers who usually face her are drunk. , coupled with the fact that during this period she lost her support under the attack of rumors and rumors, and the excitement of the Qianqiu Festival tonight was the day to bid farewell to her death!


Today is the January period, and Shen Moting looked deeply at the closed floating door.

Ning Shu hasn't been here for two or three days.

Although being imprisoned here by Ning Shu made Shen Moting feel ashamed and angry, Ning Shu would spend several hours with him every day, making Shen Moting somewhat indulged in the gentle hometown she deliberately created.

And didn’t he say that he would be given an explanation in a month? But why hasn't she come until now...

Shen Moting touched his belly uneasily and couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

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