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Chapter 30

The red light in the operating room was almost on all night long. Ning Shu did not dare to close his eyes for a moment and walked around outside the corridor with an anxious look on his face.

Ning Xiu, who was beside him, couldn't help but persuade: "Your Majesty, you should go and rest for a while. If anything happens, I will notify you immediately." Ning Shu shook his head with an ugly expression


Shen Moting suffered multiple serious injuries on the Zerg battlefield. Due to excessive external force impact on his abdomen, even the inside of the reproductive cavity was affected by excessive external force. The fetus was born with an abnormal fetal position. As the child grew older, it was likely that due to Miscarriage due to internal bleeding.

At that time, the doctors and Ning Shu tried their best to dissuade Shen Moting from giving up having children, but Shen Moting firmly refused. Even though the empire's medical technology is very advanced, because Shen Moting's reproductive cavity was injured, this operation could not be performed by caesarean section to avoid complications, and the risk was still very high.

The floating door suddenly opened, and several doctors came out in panic.

Ning Shu's heart trembled, and he already had a bad premonition.

The empress has a beautiful face, and she always looks approachable with a smile on her face, but now she has a gloomy face and is terrifyingly coercive, which is in sharp contrast to her gentle appearance before.

The leading doctor could only bite the bullet and said: "His Royal Highness has not come out for a long time, and Marshal Shen has special circumstances and can only give birth naturally. Now he is not very optimistic. Because His Royal Highness Marshal is already very weak, and if the delay continues, the condition of father and son will be very bad." Crisis. So our suggestion is to have a caesarean section, leaving the father and the son."

A terrifying coercion came over him, and the leading doctor's throat was immediately tightly squeezed by the invisible mental force. He knelt down in fear. Exit: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is nothing we can do about this. We can only have a caesarean section now. At least this way we can save your highness. Although caesarean section has complications, the marshal also has a chance of survival..." "Is there a certain chance of survival?

" Ning Shu spoke sadly, his voice full of cold air, and he said word by word: "I want him to survive."

"I just want him to survive."

This kind of her was completely different from her usual gentle and elegant appearance. The terrifying mental power rushed towards her, scaring several doctors into turning pale and trembling.

Ning Shu suddenly withdrew her mental power. She stabilized her emotions and used her mental power to help several doctors who were trembling and unable to stand up: "You go in first and wait, turn on the communication function of the optical brain, I want to see you." Him, I want to say a few words to him."

The doctors were too frightened to say anything. They nodded quickly and hurriedly ran in.

After a few minutes, Ning Shu's light brain lit up, Ning Shu's eyes tightened, and he immediately opened the call nervously.

Shen Moting did not choose the projection function. He did not want Ning Shu to see his most filthy, embarrassing and ugly side.

"... Shu'er?" Shen Moting's voice was hoarse. He had never been so weak and fragile. He seemed to be just holding on for a breath before leaving his last words, and he was only a few steps away from Ning Shu losing him completely.

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