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Chapter 7

Shen Moting strode through the corridor of the palace, and heard a burst of hearty laughter before he entered the courtyard.

His body stiffened and he stopped in his tracks.

The young man is tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. The slightly long golden curly hair is dazzling, as if it was woven by the goddess Moira with sunlight and wind chime wood. The blue eyes are clear, like the outline of the sea and the sky, like the sun. Shining like a god, like his whole body is filled with light.

The young man was naturally handsome in appearance and excellent in other aspects.

Not only does he come from the oldest top family in the Federation, he is the noble-blooded Duke Humphrey Reginald. He is not very old, in his early twenties, and has a cheerful and sunny personality, which is very likable.

What's more, Reginald is a real alpha, unlike him who is just an alpha in disguise.

Shen Moting felt a little astringent.

The love for Ning Shu in Reginald's blue eyes seemed to be overflowing. He surrounded Ning Shu like a golden retriever that saw its owner, and the only thing behind him was a tail that could happily wag.

Shen Moting, who came from a humble background and had no good education since childhood, saw Ning Shu and Reginald communicating fluently in the federal language, but it was like a heavenly book to his ears, and he could not understand anything.

Shen Moting felt increasingly inferior, lowered his head and silently turned on the translator of the optical brain.

"Your Majesty, have you received the email from the Federal Parliament? Do you have any thoughts on the marriage?" Reginald's blue eyes were full of expectation, and he looked at Ning Shu with bright eyes.

"It's a good idea." Ning Shu said with a smile: "Even if the Empire and the Federation have had an unpleasant history before, compared with our common enemy the Zerg, we should work together, we are two good gangs. "

Reginold's expression became extremely surprised, almost visible to the naked eye. He opened his lips as if he wanted to say something. Shen Moting had no doubt that he would recommend himself in the next second.

"Your Majesty, it's time for mecha class." Shen Moting, like a wolf dog guarding his food, couldn't help but stand up and said in a deep voice.

Reginald was startled by the sudden appearance of Shen Moting. He glanced up and down at Shen Moting, looking at the man in military uniform carefully.

This man is tall and heroic, and he looks like a very strong alpha at first glance. His appearance is stern and solemn, and his temperament is calm and cold. Even if his face is expressionless, he is so majestic that it is fearsome and he is not angry.

Even this man's casual glance could make Reginald instantly frightened.

The strength of this strange male alpha in front of him was terrifying.

Reginald felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

But Ning Shu turned around with a calm look and saw him with no expression: "Teacher, there are distinguished guests here. I won't go to class today. Business is important." Since the last time, Shen Moting told Ning Shu almost rudely and directly that he only treated her

. After the family relationship, Ning Shu seemed to have grown up overnight. She was no longer as close to him as before, and she no longer clung to him like a follower.

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