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Chapter 27

Seeing countless battleships enveloping the starships like thick black clouds, Shen Moting looked at Ning Shu quietly, as if he didn't recognize her.

The light brain on the wrist shook, and the video was connected.

The two of them listened to the shallow breathing of both sides, but neither of them spoke.

Shen Moting finally couldn't help but speak first. His voice came through the optical brain with a bit of hoarseness: "...I saw it all yesterday."

Ning Shu's eyebrows froze for a moment, but he chose to change the topic: "Mo Ting, I will explain this to you later. No matter what, I will not let you leave me now."

Shen Moting saw that Ning Shu was still avoiding answering and refused to answer directly about her relationship with the dancer. He smiled sadly: "Ning Shu, from the time I protected you from ascending to power safely, to the day and night when I was on the Zerg battlefield, I have given you the military power you want, and my legs have been broken and I have become a useless person. , I have no use value to you anymore."

"Please let me go." Shen Moting said softly, but there was no hatred in his eyes, only helplessness and sorrow.

Shen Moting has his own pride.

No matter how much he paid for Ning Shu over the years, he never cared about it, but what he absolutely couldn't bear was that Ning Shu would have someone else besides him.

Shen Moting would rather choose to die together and completely break up with Ning Shu.

Even if there is no future with Ning Shu, he will still have children in the future, and there will still be residual memories to cherish.

Ning Shu gritted his teeth and said hatefully: "Shen Moting, you said that as long as I need you, you will never leave me. Now are you going to break your promise? I didn't allow you to leave, so you won't. Let's go!"

Shen Moting's eyebrows were condensed and his tone was serious: "After what happened to you and that dancer, you have no right to say these words. Although the military power has been given to you, I still have the mecha in my hand. Today I am serious I want to leave, do you think these people can stop me?"

Ning Shu stiffened when he heard this, but he didn't expect Shen Moting to be so decisive.

She took a deep breath, calmed her emotions and said slowly: "Mo Ting, I don't want to do anything to you, so you should think clearly. Even if you were brave and strong in the past, you are pregnant with a child now. If you really do something, , the fetal image is inherently unstable, do you really want something to happen to our child?"

Ning Shu's voice was steady, but it made Shen Moting feel a twinge of heart palpitations: "Just go ahead and capture him, if you don't want to hurt the child."

Shen Moting's pupils shrank in disbelief. He did not expect that Ning Shu would use his child, her own blood, to threaten him!


Since Shen Moting lived in the palace for a long time in order to protect and take care of Ning Shu, he later went to another courtyard to raise his baby. It has been a long time since he returned to his own mansion.

Shen Moting did not expect that he would be in this situation when he came back again.

He was wearing silk pajamas, and the heating in the room was turned on at full speed. There was a wide soft bed beneath him, goose down pillows were carefully placed behind him, and a variety of exquisite dishes and desserts were placed on the tray in front of him.

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