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Chapter 10

Several hovercars were parked outside the courtyard of the palace. The tall Shen Moting easily held the unconscious Ning Shu, eyes full of anxiety, and walked quickly towards her bedroom.

Shen Moting carefully placed Ning Shu on the half-bed. He, who had always been calm and composed on the battlefield, was filled with anxiety at this moment. He looked at the doctors standing respectfully beside him and said in an anxious tone: "What happened to Your Majesty? How could this happen? Suddenly fell into coma and your whole body feels hot?"

The leading doctor said respectfully: "Your Majesty's situation is special. We need to use instruments to examine your Majesty. Please wait for a while, Marshal." Although

Shen Moting was worried in his heart, he could only He nodded helplessly.

He left Ning Shu's bedroom and waited in the hall of the dormitory.

Shen Moting did not wait too long, and someone soon invited him in. The doctor said with a relaxed look: "Marshal, you don't have to worry. His Majesty's body is hot and he suddenly fell into coma. This is because he is about to differentiate. Precursor."

"Differentiation?" Shen Moting was startled: "But Shu'er is still two years away from adulthood. Logically speaking, shouldn't differentiation occur when he reaches adulthood?" The doctor explained: "This is true under normal circumstances,

but Sometimes your Majesty will be differentiated in advance before he is a minor. Judging from these situations, your Majesty should be not far away from differentiation, maybe in the recent period." Shen Moting nodded: "Okay then

. , I will pay more attention to it recently." He originally wanted to ask the doctors about the things they should pay attention to, but suddenly he trembled and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

How could it happen suddenly at this time...

The sudden changes in his body made him a little panicked and at a loss, but Shen Moting calmed down and said calmly: "In this case, you can go out first." The doctors quickly cleaned up

. After a while, he retreated.

Almost as soon as the door of the room was closed, Shen Moting couldn't help but staggered and sat on the sofa next to Ning Shu's bed.

Suddenly, there was an unbearable restlessness in the body, as if every cell became crazy with hunger, every inch of exposed skin began to become hot, and a faint sweet scent of strawberries began to fill the air.

His heat came suddenly.

In this situation, Shen Moting could not hide in his room and wait for the estrus to pass as before. On the contrary, at this moment, he could not leave Ning Shu's bed, and he could not let anyone come in and find anything strange about him.

Fortunately, Ning Shu is still in a coma.

Shen Moting felt a little more at ease, struggled to get up and locked the floating door completely.

It's not a big deal, anyway, he carries multiple inhibitors in his storage buckle at all times.

Over the years, it is not uncommon for Shen Moting to suddenly come into estrus in front of the public. He has encountered this situation several times. Shen Moting calmly found a closed space and took the inhibitor. The strangeness quickly disappeared.

The situation this time was not too bad. No one would suddenly break into Ning Shu's bedroom, and Ning Shu was still in a coma.

Shen Moting glanced at Ning Shu's luxurious bedroom and found that there were two half-open side doors. One was Ning Shu's bathroom, and the other was Ning Shu's huge cloakroom with countless clothes, dresses and jewelry. Neatly arranged in layers, it's like a maze when you walk in.

He opened the side door and walked in quickly. Because there was no way to lock the floating door, Shen Moting could only close it hastily.

He casually found a corner and squatted down, unbuttoning his coat quickly with both hands and feet, and took out a syringe filled with blue liquid from the storage buckle.

However, Shen Moting did not realize that just as he walked into Ning Shu's dressing room, Ning Shu, who was half on the bed, covered his swollen forehead and slowly sat up.

The sweet smell of strawberries still lingers in the air.

Ning Shu frowned unconsciously, wondering where the strawberry smell came from, not to mention she didn't have such a perfume.

Ning Shu lifted the quilt and stepped on the floor with her bare feet. She seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked at the side door of her bed that was ajar.

There seems to be some noise inside...?

Ning Shu tilted his head, his black hair falling from one side, and his dark eyes darkened.

This delicious strawberry smell was coming from the crack in the unclosed door.

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