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Chapter 22:

"Your Majesty, you and Marshal Shen had better be mentally prepared in advance."

Shen Moting's heart skipped a beat after hearing these words, and he suddenly raised his eyes. His eyes were full of coldness and chill. He was not angry at all. The demeanor around him was even more terrifying.

The doctor's legs subconsciously softened, but he could only bite the bullet and continue to explain: "The Marshal had suffered many serious injuries on the Zerg battlefield before. Although his abdomen was luckily not severely penetrating, it also suffered excessive external force impacts. , even the internal reproductive cavity has left sequelae. As the child gets older, the reproductive cavity is likely to miscarry due to internal bleeding..."

Shen Moting heard this as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body froze in place.

Ning Shu quickly held his arm in a comforting manner, with deep pain in his eyes: "It's okay, Mo Ting, the doctor only said that there is a possibility of miscarriage. Don't scare yourself." The doctor nodded quickly: "

I I just want to remind Marshal Shen that the fetus is unstable, so you must pay more attention to your discomfort during pregnancy, and tell us if you have any symptoms of discomfort." The

doctor quickly added as if he remembered something.

"And Marshal, you should pay more attention to your recuperation. You must not be overworked, nor be too busy with military affairs and worry too much like you are now. It is best to go to a secluded and peaceful place to raise your baby." Shen Moting's face looked better now

. His rapid breathing became much calmer.

He blinked and looked at Ning Shu, and then he felt a little relieved, and he leaned his head in her arms in a rare and fragile way.

Ning Shu nodded slightly to the doctor and subordinates, and they quickly withdrew with a look.

"Shu'er, it's all my fault. Why didn't I realize that there was something wrong with my body at that time, and I didn't know how to protect my stomach..." Shen Moting's voice was muffled, and his usually cold voice was full of confusion and helplessness at this moment. help.

Ning Shu interrupted Shen Moting: "Don't think nonsense, it's not your fault. If you want to blame it, it's my incompetence. I can't protect you and let you suffer so much on the Zerg front line."

Shen Mo Ting couldn't hear what Ning Shu said about herself, so she quickly and subconsciously wanted to refute, but Ning Shu gently stroked her hair. Shen Mo Ting felt her body become numb as she listened to her soft voice.

"Mo Ting, you also heard that the doctor said that your fetus is unstable now. You must not be tired or overly worried. So I will arrange for you to rest in a relatively secluded hospital in the Imperial City. Every weekend I I will come to visit and live with you for a few days."

"As for the important military affairs and military power in your hands... please transfer them all to me."


Shen Moting Station In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, he watched quietly as Ning Shu, surrounded by people, got on the hover car.

While he gently stroked his still flat belly with his hand, his abdominal muscles were so hard that it hurt his hands, but inside, his and Ning Shu's child was slowly growing. Shen Moting's eyes were full of love, almost It's almost surging out.

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