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Chapter 24

The bright light reflected from the spar tassels on the glass ceiling reflected on the crowd of people in fragrant clothes and shadows. The hall was bustling with people drinking and drinking. The palace was lit up with lights everywhere, like a city that never sleeps.

Yun Lingyue was dressed in the uniform of a palace attendant, with a decent smile on her face, while arranging her subordinates to work in an orderly manner at the banquet.

Since that night, his relationship with Ning Shu had become much closer, but Ning Shu did not make him a concubine or announce his relationship with him, but only made him a close attendant.

The work of the palace attendants is very leisurely on weekdays, only tonight's festival banquet is a little busier.

Yun Lingyue thought of her former identity and could understand the reason for Ning Shu's reluctance.

She is the most noble alpha in the empire. If the public knows about her relationship with her, I am afraid it will attract a lot of blame and criticism.

It's just that he inevitably felt a little... disappointed in his heart.

It turns out that Ning Shu said she was different from those people, but in her heart she always cared about his miserable past.

The two of them are now in an ambiguous relationship. Although they are as close as a couple in their daily interactions, they have never taken the deepest step.

Yun Lingyue tried a few more times without giving up, but was always rejected by Ning Shu with a neither soft nor firm attitude. The reason was always the same as the first one.

Yun Lingyue knew that this kind of thing should not be rushed. Being too hasty would make Ning Shu suspicious, so he could only slowly develop a relationship with her.

Suddenly, a burst of noise in the hall disturbed his meditation. He cast his gaze to a corner and found that a distinguished guest attending the banquet was pulling the waiter beside him and saying something angrily.

There was a puddle of dampness on the front of his clothes, which seemed to have been accidentally spilled by the waiter beside him when he was passing the drink.

The guests in this kind of palace are all dignitaries of the empire, and alphas are always irritable and irritable, so it is normal to have a bad temper.

After all, he was in charge of his own affairs. Yun Lingyue sighed secretly in her heart and walked over quickly, blocking the way of her subordinates.

With an official smile on his face, he asked softly: "Sir, please don't be angry again, otherwise your Majesty will see a bad impression of you, and it will also affect your mood tonight, won't it? We Can I take you to the back hall to wash up and change into clean clothes first?"

The guest cursed and glared at the waiter in front of him, while looking around, he was stunned for a moment when he saw Yun Lingyue's stunning appearance, like I never expected that such a servant could be so charming and beautiful.

The black uniform, which was so solemn and upright, wrapped the body tightly, but it seemed to have a strange gravitational pull on Yun Lingyue's body, even the white neck that was exposed unintentionally. , a section of his wrist was like snow and frost, making him unable to take his eyes away.

The beauty in front of her has a charming and bright appearance, especially a pair of extremely beautiful purple eyes, which are as sultry as a sea of ​​flowers with thousands of purple ears crushed into pieces.

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