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Chapter 17

"I forgot, today is the day for me to get medicine." Yun Lingyue curled her lips and asked with a lazy smile.

Yun Lingyue's long hair hangs down from one side, and her narrow eyes are raised casually. His appearance is inherently charming and bright, and his pupils actually have a ring of purple, like clear amethyst.

A pair of enchanting purple eyes made Yun Lingyue look even more gorgeous and charming.

But his smile didn't reach his eyes, only sarcasm and disgust.

The visitor snorted coldly and threw a sealed injection on the ground as casually as feeding a dog. He did not treat Yun Lingyue with the respect he deserved as a human being.

Yun Lingyue seemed to be used to it. She bent down to pick up the medicinal liquid injection. The gauze was already half-clothed, but because of his violent movements, almost all important parts of his body were exposed. Lala was exposed.

Contempt and disgust flashed through the visitor's eyes, but Yun Lingyue didn't care. She didn't even bother to cover her chest, but concentrated on reaching out to pick up the medicine.

After all, this is not a simple medicine, it is his life.

However, the visitor suddenly exclaimed. It turned out that Yun Lingyue's hand accidentally touched his instep.

The person who came suddenly kicked Yun Lingyue. He was so flustered that he didn't know which part of Yun Lingyue he kicked. As if he thought Yun Lingyue was some kind of savage beast, he hurriedly took a few steps back.

Yun Lingyue groaned and covered his shoulders. The originally flawless skin had a frightening dark green stain on it. His purple eyes slowly raised.

The visitor snorted with disgust and glanced at him confidently: "You know what a dirty thing you are. Other alphas may be confused by your charm, but I am a beta and I won't." Yun Lingyue pinched her hand

. The syringe of the medicinal solution, the purple eyes were lifeless, and the body suddenly became extremely stiff.

It wasn't until the person delivering the medicine walked away that he murmured to himself in a low voice.

"Dirty stuff..."


"The Zerg on the border have been in turmoil recently. I think Morton is the main planet of the Ransden galaxy. It is located in the center and is a major energy and mineral star. It is very important to the logistics resources of our empire. The garrison here must be If the number is increased by two times, if other planets are attacked, they can quickly go to support." In the

meeting hall of the palace, Ning Shu looked at the huge simulated star map emerging in the air in front of him, lowered his eyes and said in thought.

The other ministers and senior officers discussed for a while, and almost all agreed with Ning Shu's opinion.

But Shen Moting frowned and stood up.

"Your Majesty, I think there are many wormhole jumping points near the planet Fax. If the Zerg invades, they will definitely invade here. Fax is the most important line of defense to prevent trouble before it happens. Your Majesty does not know that the speed of the Zerg invasion march is far faster than the According to your expectation, if most of the garrison troops are deployed to the planet Morton, it will be too late for support. I am afraid that the planet Morton in the center will be besieged by the Zerg by then." Shen Moting has a cold appearance and extremely strong combat power

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