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Chapter 12

Seeing that the federal mission's one-month deadline has arrived, a grand banquet was held in the palace on the eve of leaving the empire.

The two goblets collided gently, and the crystal clear amber liquid swayed.

Ning Shu took a sip and was chatting and laughing with the senior official in front of him.

Shen Moting, who was surrounded by others to socialize, his eyes darkened. He didn't like these hypocritical social interactions. He just said a few perfunctory words with a cold face and an expressionless expression. When he saw this, he strode away from the crowd and no one dared to stop him. .

"Your Majesty, you are not yet under age, so it is best to drink less." Shen Moting walked across the crowd to Ning Shu's side and advised in a deep voice.

Ning Shu shook his glass, knowing that Shen Mo Ting cared about him. He turned his head and whispered, "Teacher, how can there be such a formal banquet without drinking." It's not that

Shen Mo Ting doesn't understand these hypocrisy, but he still doesn't want the underage Ning Shu. Because of this, he couldn't help but frown, and took the wine glass from her hand with a strong attitude: "Then I'll help you drink."

Shen Mo Ting took a quick sip, and suddenly remembered that this was the wine glass that Ning Shu drank from. And he didn't pay attention to whether the mouth of the cup was where Ning Shu happened to drink.

If so, wouldn't he and Ning Shu kiss...indirectly?

Shen Moting raised his eyes in a panic and glanced at Ning Shu quickly. Ning Shu seemed to know what he was thinking and looked at him with a half-smile.

Although Shen Moting still looked expressionless and cold, there were traces of crimson spreading silently from the base of his back ears until his ears were completely dyed red.

The senior official opposite smiled coquettishly and said nothing on the surface, but in his heart he became convinced that the Empress and Marshal Shen were indeed having an affair.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, can I have a few words with you alone?" Suddenly a male voice sounded, but it was somewhat familiar.

Shen Moting suddenly turned his head and found that it was Reginald who was extremely rude to Ning Shu that day and even ran away.

Reginald looked uneasy at this time, and his hands even tangled together unconsciously due to some nervousness.

Shen Moting's face suddenly darkened, and he frowned unhappily to see Reginald, his eyes full of disgust and hatred.

Ning Shu's expression was indifferent, showing no emotion or anger. He said politely but distantly: "Your Excellency Duke Humphrey, we have already discussed the important matters of national importance. I believe that what you want to say is not something important that concerns the two countries." You can talk about it right here."

"It's just a few words, it won't take up too much of your time." Reginald said in an almost pleading voice.

Ning Shu had no choice but to nod his head: "Is it okay to have a banquet on the terrace outside the hall?" The

palace's banquet hall is on the second floor. There are large glass doors at regular intervals, and there are half arcs outside the door. shaped terrace.

A waiter opened the glass door, Ning Shu and Reginald walked to the terrace, and then the waiter closed the glass door.

Shen Moting's eyes seemed to move over casually. He could only see their mouths moving, but could not hear what they were saying specifically.

Shen Moting felt that it was too rude to keep staring like this. He suppressed the emotions in his heart and turned his head.

What made Shen Moting feel relieved was that it hadn't been too long. The glass door opened and Reginald walked out with a pale face. Ning Shu was still leaning on the railing, with his head lowered and his expression unclear. It's like being in a daze.

Shen Moting couldn't hold it anymore and walked over: "Shu'er, what did Reginald say to you just now?" "

Nothing." Ning Shu smiled gently: "He just apologized for his rudeness that day."

If it was just Apologize, why did Reginald look so lost when he walked out?

Shen Moting lowered his eyes, but Ning Shu didn't want to talk in detail, so he couldn't ask more: "Shu'er, it's windy outside, why don't you go in?" Ning Shu held his forehead with one hand, looking at the night sky in the distance, his long hair

and The dress was blown up by the evening breeze: "I always feel very hot, so I don't want to go in and enjoy the breeze outside."

Ning Shu was wearing a luxurious dress tonight. The long black dress was layered with layers and embroidered with golden piping. It not only complemented her skin tone, but also retained her majestic aura as an empress. Under her two slender belts, Her shiny white and smooth back was naked, and her butterfly bones were fluttering about to fly.

Shen Moting's eyes darkened, and he no longer advised Ning Shu to leave. Instead, he took off his military uniform coat and covered her with it: "It's okay to blow in the air, but don't catch a cold." Ning Shu gathered

Shen Moting's coat and felt a reassuring breath. The smell of white pine came to her, and she nodded obediently, then seemed to remember something and couldn't help but said: "Teacher, I suddenly feel a little thirsty."

Shen Moting immediately turned around, with his back to Ning Shu, facing the glass The waiter at the door said: "Bring a cup of hot water."

The waiter was about to nod, but the next moment his eyes became extremely shocked and he couldn't help but take a step back.

In addition to the two waiters and Ning Shu's secret guard guarding the glass door, they quickly pulled the dark red curtain in front of the door to cover the scenery inside, and then blocked it tightly in front of the door. .

Shen Moting still tilted his head, not daring to move, and his body was stiff.

The girl behind her tried hard to push her feet, but the size difference between the underage and the already tall Shen Mo Ting was too big. She could only use her arms to hold Shen Mo Ting's neck, almost hanging from his body.

She gently licked the back of Shen Moting's neck with the tip of her tongue. Shen Moting's body froze, and he called out in a trembling voice in disbelief: "Shu'er..."

Ning Shu didn't seem to hear it, and then showed two small tiger teeth. , and then bit Shen Moting's neck.

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