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Chapter 4

Ning Shu raised her eyes to look at Shen Mo Ting, her round apricot eyes widened with disbelief. She saw Shen Mo Ting's black clothes were slowly soaked with blood, and an indescribable resentment filled her thin body. Trembling unconsciously.

Shen Moting soon noticed that Ning Shu was shaking slightly in his arms. He thought that Ning Shu was frightened by the sudden attack just now.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." It was clear that Shen Mo Ting was stabbed firmly in the back, but he seemed not to feel the severe pain, and even spoke softly to comfort Ning Shu unconsciously.

Ning Shu's round eyes widened, and he felt his throat was itchy. He called out in a slightly hoarse voice: "Teacher..."

Shen Moting clearly knew that she was not as innocent and harmless as she seemed on the outside, but was instead a vicious and cruel person. Tyrant, why is Shen Moting so desperate to protect her?

And they've only been together for less than a year. Is there really a fool like Shen Moting who would risk his life for her?

Ning Shu raised his eyes in confusion, as if he still couldn't understand why Shen Moting was confused by his weak appearance even though he had seen the truth.

Ning Shu tapped the corpse in front of him with his fingertips. The corpse's neck was broken by her mental power. It was very bloody. Ning Shu couldn't help but remind him: "I killed this." "Of course I know

. ." Shen Moting asked in a deep voice: "I have taught you mechas for so many months, but I am still not familiar with your mental fluctuations?" "Then why does the teacher still

protect me and comfort me?" Ning Shu didn't know.

Shen Moting asked understandingly: "Actually, I don't need it." Shen Moting pursed his lips, although he was a little angry in his heart. Ning Shu, this little brat, had deceived him for several months with such a confusing and weak appearance, but when danger comes , He still couldn't help but try his best to protect Ning Shu.

Just like the instinct of breathing, he didn't have time to think about anything, his body was already in front of her honestly.

Shen Moting seemed to be a little angry, and said in a strong tone: "There are so many reasons. Since I promised Your Majesty to take care of you, and I am your teacher, I am a teacher and a father for a lifetime. Is it possible that I am still watching you helplessly?" Get hurt in front of me?"

It turns out it was just because of this promise.

Yes, from beginning to end, Shen Moting was so kind to him, but it was because Shen Moting always kept his promises, and he promised his father to take care of and protect him.

So even if he knew his true character, he would not leave him.

Ning Shu nodded understandingly, feeling a little disappointed that she couldn't even explain.

Ning Shu lowered his eyes and took out two tubes of the most effective healing solution from the storage buckle: "Teacher was injured because of me. It's better not to delay any more and go for treatment." "It's just a small injury. It doesn't matter.

" Shen Moting said lightly.

Although the wound on his back does hurt, it is nothing to Shen Moting, who has endured bloody battles for many years and escaped death many times. It is just a small flesh wound. Anyway, his body has already The bruises all over his body were so ugly that adding one more would be nothing.

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