19 (2)

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Chapter 19 (2)

His seductive movements made the alphas’ eyes stick to his body as if they had taken root.

As the music grew louder, the long gauze turned beautifully with his movements, and the streamers danced in the wind, swaying, and the man looked extremely beautiful with every frown and smile.

The purple-eyed dancer danced very fast, and the hem of his coat embroidered with purple hydrangea was seen flying up. Before the shadow fell, I don’t know when the dancer’s shoes and socks were removed, and she lifted up her bare feet. He was white as snow. Her thighs were looming under the gauze, and her shiny white ankles were each wrapped with golden bells, which twirled and danced with every step.

The loose gauze only barely covered his important parts, and the purple-eyed dancer slowly stopped as the music gradually slowed down, her collar was wide open, and the beautiful curves of his chest followed her jade neck. Faintly visible under the gauze.

Although Ning Shu felt that the purple-eyed dancer was beautiful and good at dancing, her only partner in her heart was Shen Moting. She had no idea about the dancer, but she saw the purple-eyed dancer raised her head and stared straight at her. direction and smiled softly at her.

Ning Shu turned his head calmly as if he hadn't noticed.

The purple-eyed dancer's expression suddenly changed, and she rushed straight in Ning Shu's direction regardless of herself.

Ning Shu raised his eyes in surprise, and vented his mental power without reservation. He was about to deal with this ignorant dancer, but saw that the purple-eyed dancer stopped in front of her.

A gorgeous blood flower filled his chest, and then he fell weakly into Ning Shu's arms under Ning Shu's stunned eyes.

The mouth of a high-energy particle wooden warehouse in the distance had not yet been retracted.

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