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Chapter 31 Extra: A

grand dinner party. Everyone was dressed in fragrant clothes. The residence of the Privy Council envoys was filled with people drinking and laughing, but it had nothing to do with him.

"Why, Lingyue is so disrespectful that you don't even want to have a drink with me?" The well-dressed male alpha held his hand and refused to let go, touching the back of his hand.

Yun Lingyue held back her nausea and said softly with a smile: "Mr. Meng, I don't feel very well today. I really can't stay with you." A cramping pain came from his abdomen, which almost made him moan softly. .

Yun Lingyue's menstrual period has always been painful, and enduring the discomfort after dancing is already the limit. If he drinks today, he may end up in the hospital with pain when he gets back.

Being rejected in public, Alpha Meng's face suddenly darkened. He felt that he had lost face, and coldly shook off Yun Lingyue's hand: "I'm giving you a bit of thin face, do you really think you are right? A despicable thing, a little red lips, thousands of people "Taste, with a pair of jade arms and a pillow for thousands of people, do you really think that you are a good Omega?"

Yun Lingyue's face turned pale for a moment, but she just pursed her lips and said nothing, and even apologized with a smile: "Mr. Meng, today That's right..."

Before he could finish his words, a glass of cold wine was thrown into his face.

There was a rustling sound behind him, and he raised his purple eyes slightly. The people around him either looked on with cold eyes or whispered making fun of him.

Yun Lingyue didn't wipe the wine stains with her hands, her purple eyes were full of self-mockery, and the corners of her lips curled up into a wry smile.

Ning Shu, who was still a princess, looked sideways at him.

Although she couldn't see the Maiden's face clearly, she already knew the identity of this Omega from the gossips of others.

This Omega obviously had such an identity, his hair and body were soaked with wine, and he was wearing only a tulle because of dancing. His thin body was shivering in the harsh winter, but his back was straight. He tilted his head slightly, his purple eyes full of self-mockery. , the corners of his lips raised a faint arc.

Ning Shu had a thought for some reason, put his coat on his body, and looked around him coldly: "Those who earn their own living are ultimately better than those second-generation ancestors who just sit back and earn nothing."

But she didn't know that Yun Lingyue was looking at her blankly, and for the first time, her lifeless and empty purple eyes had light.


“Brother, you have been a bachelor for so many years, and it’s not easy for an Omega to fall in love with you. You should rest early when you get married tomorrow, and don’t miss the wedding and keep your sister-in-law waiting.” Yun Ling Yue, who is now Zhu Yao, said teasingly: "I'll go upstairs to see if grandma is asleep."

Ning Xiu also used Zhu Fan's real name. He smiled, but his eyes unknowingly changed. It got complicated: "Xiao Yao, it's been almost three years since we came to Eleanor Star. Brother has found his own happiness, but what about you..."

Zhu Yao shook his head calmly. Since he got the antidote, his eyes have dimmed. It is no longer such a strange purple: "Brother, you know what I have experienced, and I have no thoughts about all alphas." "

But Xiaoyao, you are still so young, you will definitely encounter..." "

No." Zhu Yao said calmly: "I have already decided, otherwise I would not have chosen that identity in our relationship. I had no choice before, but now I will always keep her integrity." "Xiao Yao.

" , why are you doing this?" Zhu Fan shook his head and sighed.

When Zhu Yao picked up his ID card, the friend's column clearly read the information about the deceased. He arranged for himself the status of a widower.

He knew he could never be with her in this life.

But this ending is already his favorite.

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