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Chapter 13

On the terrace not long ago, Reginald apologized to Ning Shu for his rudeness that day with guilt in his eyes.

Ning Shu shook his head indifferently.

I thought Reginald would leave after finishing speaking, but unexpectedly he stopped and hesitated for a while before saying in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I know you may not believe me now, but I..."

Lei Jinold paused, as if he himself felt embarrassed, and continued stumblingly: "I am still willing to be a candidate for marriage, but I know that you will never have a good impression of me because of my rudeness that day. "

Reginold was very panicked and tried his best to explain.

"Your Majesty, I was just too shocked and couldn't accept your contrast for a while, so I couldn't help but want to be alone for a while, but I didn't want to accept the other side of you. I have been dreaming about you these days. , you with your gentle smile and your decisiveness in killing are all so charming..."

Ning Shu's calm expression did not change at all. She actually didn't care about Reginald's words and deeds that day, just like Ning Shu said. I never cared about him from beginning to end.

Reginald's voice became weaker and weaker, like a large golden retriever dog drooping its tail, but he still refused to give up and tried to trap the beast: "Your Majesty, after all, the marriage between the Empire and the Federation is a major event between the two countries, and the Parliament has agreed to it. If you accept my request, they will discuss the details with the relevant personnel of the empire soon. I know you are still underage, so I am willing to wait..." It seems that they are trying to force her to submit with the promise of


Ning Shu's eyes suddenly became extremely cold: "I advise you to give up this idea, because it is impossible for us."

Reginald stiffened and opened his lips as if to speak, but was pushed to the terrace by the petite Ning Shu. At the railing, until there is no way to retreat.

Ning Shu's eyes were cold and without any warmth: "I will differentiate into alpha when I become an adult. There is no possibility of two alphas." "How is

this possible?!" Reginald shouted loudly: "Relevant agencies It has been predicted that you have a 97% chance of becoming an Omega. It is almost certain that you will become an Omega, so how can you become an Alpha?"

Ning Shu's expression did not change at all when he heard this, and he said with absolute certainty: "I will definitely transform into an alpha, because the person I like is an omega." After hearing this,

Reginald felt as if he was struck by lightning, and it took him a long time to say: " Although there are some special cases between alpha and omega, the differentiation will be affected by subjective wishes, but since you have a 97% chance of being differentiated into omega, subjective wishes will have minimal impact on you. "

" I have made up my mind, you can see if I will be an alpha in two years." Ning Shu said calmly, but the firmness and determination in her eyes really couldn't let Reginald pretend to be deaf. dumb.


Ning Shu said lightly: "There is no but, it doesn't matter even if I am alpha, beta, or omega. No matter what, he can only be mine." Reginald was silent for a long time, and

finally His face was pale and he walked away in despair.

As soon as Reginald left, Ning Shu felt an indescribable heat in her body. Shen Moting walked in with a concerned look on his face, and Ning Shu chatted with him for a few words.

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