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Chapter 18

Before the border, the Zerg tribe had been in turmoil and heresies were appearing. Shen Moting had a vague feeling that the peaceful days that had lasted for several years would finally be broken.

Sure enough, although the empire had already taken precautions, stationed heavy troops on the planet Fax, and temporarily held the line of defense when the first wave of Zerg broke out, the situation on the frontline battlefield had become increasingly tense.

Shen Moting was concerned about the war situation, and soon couldn't help but proposed to Ning Shu that he wanted to go to the planet Fax, but Ning Shu firmly refused: "No, I will send others." Shen Moting was stunned

. He couldn't help but think of the rumors that those people had spread a while ago, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Ning Shu seemed to know what Shen Moting was thinking. He took his hand and explained: "Don't think too much. It's not because of those rumors that I don't trust you."

Shen Moting felt the breathless stuffiness in his chest. Zhi disappeared and raised his eyes with some confusion: "Then why didn't Shu'er agree with me to go? I'm obviously the most suitable general for you..." "

Mo Ting, how weak I used to be. Without you, I wouldn't be able to sit still." Without the throne, I will never be suspicious or suspicious of you." Ning Shu sighed and said slowly: "I am not willing to let you go to the battlefield, but I just don't want you to be in danger." "On the frontline battlefield, there are nine deaths out of ten, really

. It's too dangerous. Although we haven't made our relationship public yet, you are my partner in my heart. How can I be willing to send my partner to the battlefield? What's more, the war situation has not yet reached an extremely serious level." Ning

Shu Looking directly into Shen Moting's eyes, he said word by word: "Over the years, I have longed and pursued power. In addition to revenge, I also hope that the power in my hands can protect the person I want to protect. That person is you." Shen Moting

felt His ears were ringing, and he blinked his eyes, wanting to laugh, but also wanting to cry.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to using his scarred body to shuttle alone through the bloody storms and countless ferocious insect mouths. The scars and pain will accompany his eternal memory. However, despite being covered with bruises and being riddled with holes in his body and mind, he can only Hiding in a deserted corner and licking his wounds silently.

The people of the empire praised his illustrious military exploits, saying that he was as good as a god in a mortal body, but no one knew that he had survived countless desperate situations on the battlefield, and no one knew that he was an Omega.

When an Omega is in estrus, the body will feel unbearable hunger and thirst, with uncontrollable agitation and fever. When the menstrual period comes, the abdominal pain will not stop. It feels like the abdomen has been cut open by hand and only sewn with thick rough threads, like It was a huge boulder weighing a thousand pounds that fell, and it was so painful that it broke.

But everyone seemed to think that he was born to be so heroic and strong, and no one ever cared about whether he would be injured or in pain.

Only Ning Shu would cherish him and hold him carefully in his hands.

Shen Moting's eye circles gradually turned red, and there was a bit of moisture in the corners of his eyes. He felt a little ashamed and embarrassed, and turned his face away without saying anything. Ning Shu gently circled him with one arm, and stroked his head with the other hand, the hair in the palm of his hand was soft.

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