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Chapter 26

A man turned his back to Shen Moting. His long hair was scattered and as heavy as ink.

Underneath the red gauze is crystal-white skin. The beautiful curves of her breasts are looming under the gauze along with her slender jade neck. Her shoulders are half exposed, her feet are bare without shoes and socks, and her ankles are covered with slender socks. Gold chain, suddenly he turned his head sideways, his hair flowing out, revealing a charming and bright face.

It was the purple-eyed dancing girl I had seen before.

The purple-eyed dancer fell weakly and bonelessly into the arms of the person beside her, and Ning Shu pinched the tip of his nose lovingly. He puffed up his cheeks childishly and said coquettishly: "Your Majesty, don't be like this, okay. Itchy..."

Shen Moting has never spoken in this tone in front of Ning Shu, because he was Ning Shu's teacher and elder in the past. Even if their relationship changed later, Shen Moting still couldn't hold back like an ordinary Omega. Act coquettishly on your partner.

Perhaps, what Ning Shu liked from beginning to end was this kind of soft and bright Omega, rather than someone like him who was cold and hard like a stone and didn't understand the charm.

"Your Majesty, when are you going to make our relationship public?" Purple-eyed Dancer pursed her lips and asked aggrievedly: "Do you still mind my past..." Ning Shu restrained himself somewhat unhappily

. He raised his eyebrows and said in a gentle voice despite the words he used to blame: "Are you thinking wildly again? I've already said that the situation is not good now. When I overthrow the regent in the future, I will definitely marry you in a glorious way."

The purple-eyed dancer's eyes were full of surprise, and she nodded quickly, lying in Ning Shu's arms as if she was boneless. Suddenly she seemed to think of something, and a smile appeared on her lips, her eyes as charming as silk: " But Your Majesty, you are not with Marshal Shen..."

Ning Shu's expression did not change when he heard Shen Moting's name, but he looked over with a faint expression.

The purple-eyed dancer put her arms around Ning Shu's neck. There was a sea in her purple eyes that could make people indulge: "Your Majesty, that cripple has already lost his beauty due to old age. Can you let me be the emperor in the future?"


Shen Moting looked at his right foot with an ugly expression. Although he had insisted on reconstruction in the past few months, his right foot had not recovered as before, and he always walked with a limp.

Although the doctor said that as long as he persisted in reconstructing the injury, he would be able to recover, but Shen Moting knew that the probability of this situation was extremely low.

He closed his eyes unbearably, his crow-feather-like eyelashes trembling slightly.

Yes, he was lame, but he thought Shu'er was raised by him since childhood, and she would not be as shallow as other alphas, nor would she dislike him.

At this moment, Shen Moting heard Ning Shu laugh, but she was not angry at all about the dancer's bold remarks. She just said lightly: "It's all up to you." Then she leaned down and kissed the man on the forehead


Shen Moting froze on the spot, just staring blankly at the scene in front of him. He felt his legs were floating, his mind was blank, and there was only a violent roar in his ears.

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