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Chapter 3

Shen Moting had already expected that the seriously ill emperor might not survive the end of this year, but he still didn't expect that the emperor would die so unexpectedly.

Although she and Ning Shu only got along as a teacher and student for less than a year, Shen Moting, who had been lonely for half his life, not only wanted to be nice to her because of his promise to the emperor, but also regarded the cute and well-behaved Ning Shu as his little sister. Shen Moting I truly love her from the bottom of my heart.

So when the death knell rang and countless mechas with strange behavior hovered in the palace airspace, Shen Moting felt an unspeakable panic in his heart. He had never been so afraid even when he faced thousands of Zerg.

Shen Moting ignored Shi Yi's dissuasion and jumped out from the door of the hover car.

The biting cold wind blew up his robes, which were blown up by the headwind like the wings of migratory birds.

Shen Moting summoned his mecha from the storage buckle, turned into a stream of light in mid-air, and leaned towards the majestic giant palace in front of him.

Shen Moting killed several waves of mechas blocking the road. They all held weapons, as if they had been ordered to do so. When they saw Shen Moting, they rushed forward regardless of life or death.

However, after Shen Moting broke out of the siege and crossed the wide outer courtyard of the palace, the palace complex inside could no longer allow the huge mecha to enter.

Shen Moting could only put away the mecha, holding a high-frequency vibration cutting particle cutting blade. Like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, a few of them jumped down neatly. The speed was so fast that in the eyes of others, it was just an afterimage, and only Shen Moting could be seen. He raised the knife and dropped it, leaving behind only a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood as he walked by, just like Shura coming to the world.

Although Shen Moting fought in an orderly manner and looked calm, in fact he was already in a state of confusion.

Although the emperor must have left secret guards for Ning Shu, Shen Moting couldn't help but worry about whether Ning Shu was still safe. He also couldn't help but wonder whether the sweet and cute little girl had been scared to tears by these killers. .

She was so scared, but he couldn't stay with her.

Guilt and self-blame came like a flood, making Shen Moting act more swiftly and decisively. He just wanted to move faster and faster.

But Shen Moting never expected that what he saw would be Ning Shu like that.

For more than half a year, the little princess has been tugging at the corners of his clothes softly and coquettishly. She always speaks in such a gentle and soft-spoken voice. She is inexperienced in the world, and her dark eyes are pure and clean. When she raises her eyes, she looks at Shen Moting. It made his hard and cruel heart suddenly soften.

But Ning Shu's weakness and delicacy did not offend Shen Moting like other nobles. Instead, Shen Moting couldn't help but want to do everything for her. Shen Moting, who had always been stern and solemn, would never speak harshly to her, but wanted to treat the well-behaved little girl. The princess holds it in her hand and dotes on it.

But the person in front of him at this moment...is he really Ning Shu?

It's still those familiar eyes, the black ones are like shining ink jade. She would often look up at Shen Moting with these loving eyes, and softly call out: "Teacher." At this

moment The expressions in her eyes were up and down, and the way she looked around her was as cold as a piece of ice that never melted. She looked at the secret guard beside her expressionlessly, without any emotion in her eyes. Yun Danfeng She gently ordered: "Take care of everything."

Ning Shu looked down at the two sides fighting in front of her from a high position, with no expression at all, her eyes were calm, and everything in the world seemed to be just mud and ants under her feet.

In Shen Moting's disbelieving eyes, she seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned her head. The two people's eyes met directly, but it was Shen Moting who lowered his eyes first.

"Teacher." It was still such a sweet and soft voice, Ning Shu tilted her head like an animal cub, her silky black hair hanging down from one side of her, and called softly.

Shen Moting's lips moved, but he couldn't say anything for a moment.

The Ning Shu in front of him at this moment was obviously the little girl he had loved for several months, but he felt that Ning Shu was so strange.

A kind of anger and powerlessness that seemed to have been deceived made Shen Moting take a step back. Ning Shu was startled when he saw Shen Moting's retreating movement, but she breathed out gently as if she had expected it, as if sighing.

Ning Shu had always known very well in her heart that Shen Mo Ting liked and loved the sweet and innocent girl, so when her sinister and cruel true face was revealed, Shen Mo Ting would definitely avoid her.

Ning Shu has been without a mother since she was a child, and her father has been busy with government affairs. Ning Shu's character has always been a little distorted due to lack of love. She is cold and cruel in dealing with others. As long as anything harms her own interests, she will ruthlessly eliminate it. .

But Ning Shu was used to using her delicate and cute appearance to lower other people's wariness and protect herself.

So when he saw Shen Moting retreating, Ning Shu felt a little suffocated in his heart, but he was not surprised.

Shen Moting is the only person besides his father who treats him sincerely, but after seeing his true character clearly, he will no longer be close to himself like this.

Ning Shu thought so.

However, just when she was lost in thought, something happened suddenly.

A dark shadow that had been lurking under Ning Shu for a long time suddenly drew out his light blade and stabbed Ning Shu hard in the back. Not only was he an undercover agent that Ning Qiu had buried for a long time, his combat power was better than that of ordinary killers. Much more powerful.

The situation is so chaotic, but Ning Shu has been very calm. She looks weak, but her eyes are looking at everyone warily.

The killer had been lying in wait under Ning Shu for a long time and knew that it was not easy to look at the soft and weak Ning Shu. He could only keep calm and stay still until he caught the moment when Ning Shu's attention was distracted.

A piercing cold light flashed, and just when the dagger was about to pierce Ning Shu's thin body, she turned back suddenly.

The moment Ning Shu's mental power broke the killer's neck, a tall black shadow flew over at the same time, blocking Ning Shu's face firmly.

The bright red blood with residual warmth splashed onto half of Ning Shu's plain, white and tender face. She blinked blankly, her eyelashes were stuck in clusters by the splashed blood, and her field of vision seemed to be filled with crimson. color.

The man's chest was very broad and warm, but he was like an old hen protecting its calf. His long arms held the petite Ning Shu tightly in his arms, as if he could do anything for him as long as he stood here. Ning Shu blocked all the fierce beasts in the world.

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