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Chapter 16

"Teacher, I'm an adult, will you marry me? Be my emperor and my only partner."

The girl asked with a smile in her eyes but with great piety.

Ning Shu's eyes were astonishingly bright, as if they could ignite the indescribably thick and lonely night. A pair of pure and clean eyes were as clear as obsidian. When they were slightly raised, they were so captivating, as if they were swaying. Chi Xinghe.

Shen Moting could vaguely see his own reflection in it, as if Ning Shu could only see him, and he would only be in her eyes.

Shen Moting was about to agree in a daze, but suddenly he seemed to remember something and felt a pain in his heart.

In the end, Shen Moting lowered his eyes and avoided Ning Shu's gaze. His crow eyelashes trembled slightly: "I'm sorry... but I will never share my partner with other Omegas." Ning Shu is a noble empress of the empire

. To pass down the heirs for the royal family and spread the branches, it is impossible to have only one partner.

But Shen Moting's pride did not allow him to be reduced to sharing Ning Shu with other Omegas. In this way, he would rather he had never been with Ning Shu. His love for Ning Shu was not inconsistent with his pride.

Even if I can only watch her from a distance from now on, I can't love her.

It's not that Shen Moting doesn't love Ning Shu, it's because he loves Ning Shu so much that he has so many worries.

"Teacher, I told you that you will be my only partner from now on." Ning Shu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but squeeze Shen Moting's shoulders. He looked directly at him without fear and said in a firm voice: "Besides you, I I will never marry anyone else, nor will I touch anyone else."

Shen Moting was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Ning Shu with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Teacher, I am finally an adult. Can I touch you?"

Ning Shu used his fingertips to explore the buttons of Shen Moting's shirt as if joking, but Shen Moting shrank away.

The hurt in Ning Shu's eyes flashed away, but she laughed and shook her head. She rubbed Shen Moting's cheek affectionately with her palm as if she was getting along normally: "You don't believe me?"

Shen Mo Ting was not as cheerful as Ning Shu. His face was pale, and he was silent for a long time before he opened his lips and spoke softly.

"...I don't know."

Shen Moting always had low self-esteem and cowardice when it came to love.

Shen Moting still couldn't believe that someone like him, an Omega who was more alpha than alpha, would really be liked. He also couldn't believe that the young Ning Shu's love for him could span the gap of time and the temptation of other Omegas.

Ning Shu saw Shen Mo Ting's complicated expression, so she straightened her face and took Shen Mo Ting's hands very solemnly: "Teacher, I know your concerns. I won't force you to figure out how to be with me right away. Let's You can get along with me for a while first, and I will work hard to make you have confidence in me. Before you believe in me wholeheartedly, I will never mark you for life." "It's because I didn't do well enough that I let

you You don't feel safe."

Ning Shu said slowly, word by word, with a serious expression.

Love is always a two-way street.

Shen Mo Ting was able to bless and protect her at all costs when she was young, weak, and helpless. Naturally, Ning Shu could also tolerate his hesitations and entanglements in relationships.

It was obvious that Shen Moting hated his indecision and indecisiveness, but Ning Shu did not dislike or be angry. Instead, he took all the responsibility on himself and kept saying that she was not good enough.

Shen Moting's eyes heated up when he heard this, and the ends of his eyes turned red unconsciously. He blinked and called out in a hoarse voice: "Shu'er..." Only

then did Ning Shu notice the serious, ascetic and indifferent face in front of outsiders. Yama Luo was a crybaby in front of her, so she could only comfort Shen Mo Ting softly while gently kissing away the tears from the corners of Shen Mo Ting's eyes.

Shen Moting did not refuse, but closed his eyes when Ning Shu's lips fell.

"Teacher, are we... are we together?" Ning Shu suddenly stopped kissing, and

Ning Shu's straightforward question immediately made Shen Moting's cheeks heat up, and she glared at Ning Shu shyly: "Why? You still call me teacher?”

Ning Shu was stunned, thinking about how other alphas called their partners. She hesitated and shouted: "...Then should I call you brother, or baby, or good boy?" Ning Shu said every word in his mouth

. Shen Mo Ting's body stiffened for a moment whenever he uttered a word. He obviously couldn't bear these overly sticky nicknames and stammered, shaking his head: "No, no need, Shu'er just call me, Mo, Mo Ting. "

Mo Ting?" Ning Shu raised his chin and called softly. The moment Ning Shu read his name from his mouth, Shen Moting felt his body tremble.


Shen Moting responded softly.

Shen Moting couldn't help but think that if humans had tails, when Ning Shu called his name, his tail would inevitably wag shyly.


Outside the glass covered bridge is the night of the Imperial Capital. The lights of thousands of houses in the steel forest in the distance are lingering together, like a red galaxy hanging upside down. Countless hover cars are roaring and flying in the air. Then, the taillights flashed thousands of bright streams of light in the night, but the neon lights did not fall. It was like a city that never sleeps. It was so

lively, but it had nothing to do with him.

Yun Lingyue's long hair was scattered and blown by the night wind, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful face.

It was so cold, but he was only wearing an almost transparent gauze. However, the collar of this gauze garment was very wide, and his chest was wide open, revealing his beautiful curves and jade-white chest. He wore a thin golden chain around his neck, which extended to On his chest, the accessories were faintly visible. He didn't even wear shoes or socks. He also had a slender gold chain around his ankles, strung with delicate little bells, which jingled with each step when he walked barefoot.

He is the most famous dancer in the empire, but he is like an animal wearing only a collar and various lewd accessories.

Yun Lingyue showed a mocking and sad smile, but wasn't he just a toy used for fun?

There were footsteps behind her. Yun Lingyue originally thought it was a drunk guest, but she couldn't help but regret that even the quiet time alone was a luxury for herself.

However, when she saw the person behind her clearly, Yun Lingyue's body froze.

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