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They both stood up in front of principal office.
Tae: Sunshine it's already late. You go and join the class . I will have tall with Principal myself.
Jk :(innocently) okay.
Jungkook said and he gave a peck on Taehyung's cheek before leaving. Taehyung smiled looking at the bunny figure of his Sunshine fading in the hallway. Soon his smily face turned into a serious dark face.
He entered into the principal room.
Principal was busy in call when his eyes fell on Taehyung . His eyes widened when he saw him.
He quickly kept the phone away.
He stood up and greeted to him.

Pr. : Hello Mr. Kim nice to meet you. Please, please come sit down. Let me call for some water or cold drink.
Taehyung sat down.
Tae : Noo Mr. Kang I am here some important matter. Sit down.
Pr. : Okay tell me how I can help you.
Tae : You know My wife Kim Jungkook studies here.
Pr. : Yes I came know about this after your marriage. I was really shocked that your wife is a normal person. Well I already changed his Surname in every papers so he don't need to worry about it.
Tae : Well thank You Mr. Kang. I am really pleased. But today I am here to talk with you for another purpose.
Pr. : What is it?
Tae : Baek Hyeon, you know this name maybe?
Pr. : Yes he is also in same class with Mrs. Kim but different department.
Tae : Well he is the who tried to sexually assault my wife before for many times. I came to know about this yesterday. Mr. Kang, I am here to tell you that I want you talk to his parents and inform them that he tried to cross his limit by touching my wife. And I am quite able to kill him instant. I can meet them too but I want you to talk to them.
Pr. : I will obviously Mr. Kim .
Tae : Also inform them that My words don't have value of 10 cents. I can make my words as valuable like 1000 trillion dollars Mr. Kang. There will be no second chance for him to cross limits. I cannot tolerate someone touching which is mine. So inform him this kindly. I am leaving now.

Taehyung said and get up. He left from there with Jungkook's class schedule.

Jungkook entered into the café . He ordered bulgogi with red rice and kinchi also pickled radish. He sat with his friends.
Bg : Bro when is your honeymoon?
Jk : what no I didn't think about it. (Blushed alittle)
Jm : Kook is he big?
Jk : What his heart?
Jm : What nooo his dîck.
Jungkook chocked in his rice. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
Jk : Jimin I am eating. Not in front of my Kimchi.

All laughed at each other's talking when Jungkook eyes fell on Jennie who is looking at Lisa with blushy cheeks.
Jk :(mind) Does she like her? Maybe.

Jungkook was eating his kimchi when aloud bang happened in the café. All looked at the door way and it's Baek Hyeon.

Jk : Again. Jm : Don't worry you have bodyguard .
Jk : I don't even know where they are.
Baek Hyeon came in front of Jungkook with his group.
B : Ohh see Who is here Mrs. Kim. The dearest wife Mr. Kim Taehyung. Who married him for money..
Jk : Baek if you are here to insult me then I am telling you that it will cause a very hard for you to stay alive.
B : Oh really sl*t.what your sugar daddy will come and beat me up. What he can do huh? you rejected me but you married him. What is he better fúck than me?
Jk : Stay in your limit Baek Hyeon .
B : You are a bítch... Slút.....
Jk : Enough. BOYSSSSS. Jungkook called out his bodyguard. When 10 to 15 mudcler boys came inside the café .
M : Yes queen.
Jk : Take him out and beat the shít out of him. Also deliver his beaten body to his parents. I will inforn hyungie that i told you all to do this.
M : Okay Queen.
Jungkook sat down and started eating and 3to 4 men to Baek Hyeon with them to end his game.

Jm : wow you are behaving like Mafia Queen.
Jungkook closed his eyes.
Jk : Hyungie will be angry with me. I misused hia power.

?? : You did the great thing with that Bástérd Sunshine. I am proud of you.

All looked at the door way and it's the Kim Taehyung standing with happy smile in his face.

Jk : (Wobbled out) Hyungie....

To be continued........

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