Crow 1

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It was definitely winter... and he was definitely crazy. 

Who goes to a mountain retreat in the middle of freaking winter? 

He did, apparently. 

In all honesty though, his friends, or really, coworkers, were the ones that had decided on the place. He'd lost a bet concerning their company's stock price. He'd wagered that it wouldn't decrease more than one percent over the previous month, even with the downturn in the economy. 

It had decreased 1.01 percent. 

The bet wasn't even that he had to pay for the flights, or the accommodations, or even the food. 

It was simply that he had to come with them. 

Glad I at least got my own room. 

The guys had decided to stay two to a room, and with there being four of them, adding himself as a third would have just made it uncomfortable. 

At least, more uncomfortable than it was already going to be for him. 

Just deal with it. It's only for a week. 

Fidgeting with one of the rings on his fingers, he considered what he was going to do for the week.

"Hey Ru?"

I think I'll just relax in my room for a bit, then have some dinner. That actually sounds like a good plan for the majority of my stay. Eat and rest. 

The place was known for its fantastic food options, and even with his allergies, the menu had looked quite appetizing. 

"Hey Ruru!" 

His mood suddenly souring, Ru looked up to pin a glare on his marketing analyst, Martin. 

The man immediately raised his hands in surrender. 

"I was just trying to get your attention but you lost your focus again on one of your rings," the guy hurried to say, making Ru calm his temper and look away for a moment.

It was a habit of his that he couldn't manage to break. He'd gotten better at managing it over the years, but his inner animal just couldn't help itself. It liked collecting things. And staring at things. And the worst part... gifting things. 

"Come on, boss man. We have to get there before sundown," his marketing strategist said as he walked back down the steps and gently tugged on the arm of his coat. 

That was a bit of an exaggeration, since it was at least an hour before the sun even began to go down, but he was right about one thing. He definitely didn't want to be stuck outside after sundown. 

It was already cold enough, even with a thick winter coat on over his suit... which he'd refused to change out of. 

My feathers would freeze out here in an instant. 

He had no idea how the local birds managed not to turn into popsicles every night. 

Nudging the man's hands away from his arm, Ru finally began ascending the longer sets of stairs. They were spaced out with little landings amongst the rocks and dirt, and, of course, they were already covered in a thick layer of snow. 

With him finally moving, his group hurried ahead, waiting for him inside the large lodge at the top of the hill... in the nice heated lobby. 


If he hadn't been so cold Ru would have gladly taken his time climbing the steps, since the reservation was under his name and the scenery was honestly gorgeous, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. 

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