Crow 26

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"Oh my, what a beautiful boy you are," Ash's mother said as she finished tying the strap for his little harness around her son's dragon's back. 

It fit surprisingly well, and Rucrow was even able to wear a sweater and a pair of little socks with it on, too. 

He happily cawed to her as thanks for taking care of the straps on the harness, but then turned his focus forward as Ashy snorted and started seamlessly trotting through the thin layer of snow still on the ground. 

"Enjoy, boys!" 

Rucrow flapped his wings and cawed again, but didn't look over his shoulder. Instead, he crouched down a little as Ashy's movements got the wind flowing over his feathers. 


Ru blinked behind Rucrow's eyes, surprised that he'd been allowed some space in the cognitive portion of their shared mind while his crow was out. 

Thanks, sweetheart. I'm excited to fly with you. 

Ashy slowed to a stop near a large ledge, then looked over his shoulder at him. 

His sweet bird eagerly flapped its wings, making the buckles on the harness rattle a little with the action. He got a huff of steam from Ashy in response before the dragon returned its attention to what was in front of it. Then, as if in slow motion, he unfurled his gorgeous, pink wings like an angel awakening to a new dawn. 

Ready bud? 

His crow ruffled its feathers and narrowed its eyes as Ashy used his strong talons to grab hold of the rocky ledge and lean forward, allowing the rising gusts of wind to catch his translucent wings. 

Ru felt his crow lift a little as its own wings used the wind to hover, but the harness kept him from being tossed around much. It was working well so far. 

Ready, babe? 

Ru paused, shocked to hear Ash's voice inside his head. 

Ashy is letting you stay awake, too? 

They were normally forced to sleep when their other halves appeared, or their ability to communicate was at least cut off. 

He really likes you and your crow. 

Ru felt his crow begin to grow restless as it waited for its much-anticipated flight. 

My crow really likes you guys, too... and especially your mom and her knitting ability. 

He felt Ash laughing in the back of his mind but quickly refocused his attention as Ashy leaned farther over the cliff and crouched down like a cat about to pounce on a mouse. 

Before they could think anything else to each other, Ashy had jumped, his outstretched wings immediately taking them high into the clear sky!

Ru could feel his crow's heart beating with adrenaline as it tried its best to use its wings correctly. The poor bird was getting whipped around quite a bit now, but it was determined to figure out how to fly again. 

You got it, bud, Ru cheered gently, not wanting to distract his bird when it was trying its hardest with such an important task. 

Thankfully, Ashy slowed to a hover once they'd ascended to a certain height, allowing Rucrow to finally gain some semblance of balance with his unused wings. Since Ash had helped him cut some of his feathers previously to keep him from plucking them, there was no way that he would fly correctly even if his feathers hadn't been damaged when he was younger, but he was managing to glide every few moments with the help of the harness. 

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