Crow 10

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He'd finally decided to get up at a reasonable time and go join his coworkers for breakfast, but as soon as he began to drift towards wakefulness Ru couldn't find the power in his body to move a single inch. 

"Is my Ruru awake?" came a gentle yet-deep voice from very close by his head... which was no surprise, considering he had fallen asleep lying right up against Ash!

Finally moving a little, Ru stretched out contently against his man, loving the feeling of their naked bodies sliding gently against each other. His right leg had even evidently settled overtop the man's abdomen while they'd been sleeping. 

The thought to move it a tiny bit lower made him grin, but then hesitate when he realized something and finally opened his eyes and looked up from where his head was resting on Ash's shoulder. 

"Babe, don't you have to go to work?" he asked, even though his voice was hesitantly hopeful that he might actually have the day off. 

When Ash tilted his head to the side and smiled at him, his heart practically melted inside his chest. 

"I asked mum if I could have the next two days off." 

She let you have them? Just like that? I had to put my vacation request in the computer six months ahead of time! And it still wasn't guaranteed! 

"You... she really just gave you the days off? But aren't you the head chef?" 

The guy had looked pretty darn busy when he'd seen him working the other day!

Ash chuckled a little, his deep voice rumbling softly against where their upper bodies touched. 

"I am, but I haven't asked for any extra time off for over a year. She was more than happy to give it to me," he said before leaning the slightest bit downward and pressing their lips together. 

The kiss started out gentle enough, but it quickly got heated to the point that when they finally separated to catch their breath, Ru had moved up and partially over until he was situated comfortably overtop his man. 

His body ached and his eyes were just as hungry, but it only took him a few calming breaths before he was moving off of Ash and dropping down to sit on the edge of the bed beside him. 

There were soon arms wrapped around him from behind and a chin resting against his shoulder. 

"It's fine, babe. I don't mind being pinned down by you," Ash said, making Ru turn his head enough to look at the guy now nuzzling into his neck. 

You... don't? 

"I'm not sure I can get to the point that we go all out, but I didn't hate it..."

Why are you saying this when we both know that I'm going to have to leave tomorrow night...



"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind. Would you like to wash up with me?" Ru asked as he finally stood up, then turned and offered Ash a hand. 

The man graciously accepted it, then followed him into the bathroom. By the time the water was set Ru had retrieved all the soap bars he wanted to try and situated himself on the floor of the shower with the removable sprayer in his hand. 

When Ash stepped in Ru quickly patted the spot between his spread legs and the man eagerly sat right down with his back to him.  

Alright. Time to groom your dragon. 

He really should stop himself from referring to him as belonging to him, because he didn't, but he'd long since given up on that. His crow loved the guy and his animal influenced a good amount of his thoughts, so there was no helping some things. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now