Crow 12

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He'd been hoping to avoid such a conversation until at least tomorrow morning, but there was no way he could get around it now.

I can't say yes, though.

Three days might have been enough for both of them to fall in love, and quite madly, at that, but it wasn't enough to bring two very different lives suddenly together. At least, not in a permanent sense.

"How about we back up just a few steps and talk about what each of us have been planning for our lives, first?" he said as he hugged Ash a little tighter, trying to keep him calm and send an immediate signal that he wasn't completely against a relationship.

Ash looked up at him with worried, puppy-like eyes as he processed what he was saying.

"I... I just like cooking. I don't really have any other plans right now," he answered after a moment as Ru lifted a hand to gently play with Ash's hair.

"I thought that I wanted to just go to work and maybe have a fling every now and then to make me feel a little more alive, but those plans were never set in stone to begin with," Ru said, making Ash look a little more hopeful.

The young man wiggled in his arms until he was able to nuzzle his face right into his neck, clearly enjoying the cuddles now.

"Ruru, I really like you. I love you, even after only having known you for a few days," Ash said, his voice sounding the slightest bit sleepy.

My sweet dragon ate very well.

He gently began rubbing his hand along Ash's warm back, enjoying the closeness they could share with each other.

"I like you, too. And I think that I could say that I love you, as well, but we need to talk some more," Ru said, then continued.

"I live in South Carolina right now, but I know right off the bat that that's going to be too warm for you. I'm open to moving, but I'd like to secure a job first before I do so."

Sure, he had plenty of savings, but the goal in life was to not burn through them if you could avoid it.

Ash wiggled a little, seemingly trying to get closer even though that was no longer possible.

"Do you have somewhere in mind?" he eventually asked as he blew out a little puff of steam from his nose, unintentionally hinting that Ashy was likely right beneath the surface.

Ru smiled and nuzzled his nose into his love's soft hair, then scooted down a bit in the beanbag so that they would both be more comfortable. He didn't really catch it, but he intentionally lifted Ash a bit higher onto his body, allowing the man to technically settle mostly over him. He was just too warm. It was addicting to a normally-cold bird.

"I was thinking maybe Colorado? It can get really cold, but it can also be pretty warm. I'm sure there's a location that is reasonably cool most of the year but doesn't freeze me to death besides in winter," Ru said, drawing Ash's attention immediately as the guy lifted himself up a little on his arms so that he could meet his gaze.

Oh, that messy hair... I want to pull it.

If Ash would be okay with it, of course. He would totally understand if he didn't like it, though, since he, himself, had a strict no hair-pulling policy.

I did pull his hair a bit the other day, though...

He'd seemed to not mind.

"I don't mind, but before we get distracted and I break my newly created code about not giving the guy you really like a blowjob while in the kitchen, I think Colorado could definitely work. My mom lived there when she was younger so I can definitely get some insider information. I also have a few cooling vests for whenever I get overheated, so some warm days won't be bad," Ash said, his enthusiasm making Ru unable to help but grin.

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now