Crow 23

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His baby was a mess of nerves. 

Ash did his best to calm his Ruru down each day before and after work, and to make sure that he was eating breakfast, as well as coming to sit with him at lunch, but...

He's not saying it, but I can hear his thoughts. 

Even his dragon was getting upset, but it didn't understand. He couldn't just tell the poor guy that he was hearing everything he was struggling with. Ru was his love and his man, but he also clearly wasn't ready to discuss what was bothering him yet, and he had to respect that, even if it stressed him out, too. 

There were also some things he'd caught from the man's exhausted mind that had him really wanting to ask some things, but again, it wasn't his place to intrude just because he could hear more than what he was willing to share right then. 

Even in the short few weeks that they'd known each other, he'd grown quite a bit as a person without even realizing it. The first time he'd let Ru know that he could hear his thoughts was when the man wanted to jerk off in the shower at his mother's resort. 

It hadn't been his proudest moment. 

No more mistakes now. 

He'd already made dinner and brought it over so that they could eat while watching a quiet movie, if Ru was okay with it. They usually ate at the table but he had found two tray stands behind the couch and wiped them off in the hopes that they could have a relaxing dinner together snuggling on the couch. 

So, the moment his boyfriend walked through the front door Ash was ready and waiting with a big smile and two little chicken pot pies, fresh iced tea, and a big piece of warm fudge to split for dessert. 

Ru looked exhausted, again, but Ash was ready to brighten his love's day!

His man seemed to notice his enthusiasm, too, because the moment he stepped inside and locked the door, his bag was on the floor, along with his suitcoat and keys. Not two seconds later and his shoes were off, and four seconds after that he was sinking into Ash's arms as he met him halfway.  

"Welcome home, sweetheart," he whispered as he pressed several kisses to his love's neck and cheek. 

Ru eagerly welcomed his affection and began returning it within moments. He was clearly very tired, and his movements were quite sluggish because of it, but Ash gladly worked with him until they were both panting quietly with soft, swollen lips.   

"Would Ruru like to join me for dinner first, or maybe a shower or bath?" he asked, not unwilling to put the food away until his love was ready to eat it. 

He could immediately hear his man's thoughts begin to worry because he'd likely already seen the food sitting by the couch, ready for them to eat. 

His stomach hurts from stress...

Reaching up, Ash gently settled a hand on either side of his man's face and leaned in to press a kiss to his nose. 

"Ruru, your happiness is my happiness. I made dinner if you'd like to eat, but I can just as easily put it away for later. What would you like to do?" 


"Let's have a bath first, okay?" he said, using what he could hear just a little bit. 

Ru heaved a tired sigh in response, then smiled. 

"That sounds perfect." 

With having gotten the go ahead, Ash hurried to the bathroom and got everything ready just the way his man liked it. He dimmed the lights, got the water running warm, but not too hot, and added just the right amount of lavender and mint bath soap.

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