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Ashy slowly descended from the sky as Rucrow tilted back and forth in the air, his wings outstretched. It had taken him a while, but he was finally able to glide with the help of his harness and, of course, his beautiful pink friend. 

His bird was having the time of its life... right before the time of their lives. The wedding was scheduled for three hours from now, so it was finally time for this flight to come to an end. 

Even as Ashy came to a running landing on the beautiful deck of their new house, Rucrow was still cawing and holding his wings out, wanting to go back up into the sky. 

"Sorry love, but we have to get ready now," Ash said as he untied the little harness from around his chest, then turned it as it loosened so that he could catch his sweet crow. 

"We'll go again tomorrow, I promise," he said soothingly as he lifted the ruffled bird up for a kiss on the head. 

Sorry, he's still so excited to finally be able to glide, Ru thought to his love as the man gently set his bird down on the deck and tugged on the pair of shorts he'd left there for when they'd return. 

"No problem, babe. I know how he feels," he said as steam drifted from his nose, a sign that his dragon wanted to go fly again with its bird instead of let him do responsible adult stuff. 

It didn't see a reason to have a wedding. According to Ashy, they were married from the moment he'd laid eyes on Ru. It didn't seem to care for any explanation it was given about how that wasn't quite the way it worked, either. 


Looking into the house, Ash smiled calmly as one of their two foster kids ran outside. She was a blond twin named Ella, and sure enough, her brother was hot on her heels!

"Dad, I picked up yours and father's tuxedos from the dry cleaner. They had called while you guys were flying," she said as her brother, Ari, stopped beside her. 

Glad we managed to scrape enough together to get them a decent care to share. 

The kids both had already had jobs for after school and had demanded to help pay for it, so they were giving them about a hundred a month, each, to whittle away at the cost. 

They were seventeen, and soon to be eighteen in a few months. At first, they'd thought that their foster request was just a joke, since they'd been thrown around the system for most of their lives and while Ru was old enough, Ash was only in his early twenties, but after meeting with them, they'd decided to see how things went. 

Well, needless to say, things were going amazingly well. 

"Your phone rang again once Ella left with the catering order. I confirmed everything that you had said you wanted," Ari said quietly, both of them wearing matching grins. 

"Thank you guys for do—" a loud caw stole their attention abruptly, bringing their eyes down to a pacing, flapping Rucrow. 

Ella shook her head and leaned down to scoop him up, hugging the bird close as it settled down. 

He wasn't sure why his crow loved her so much, but it definitely helped calm him down whenever he was getting fussy. All she had to do was pick him up and hold him and all was right in the world. 

On the other hand, Ashy rather liked Ari, and they could often be found snuggled up on the couch together, a book in Ari's hands and Ashy's head resting on the boy's chest as he napped, getting an occasional pat to his pink mohawk or scratch behind his ears whenever the boy finished a chapter. 

It had been three months since they'd moved, and a month since they'd decided to foster. 

I don't think things could be going better if we tried, Ru thought to Ash as they all went back inside. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now