Crow 17

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The three hours they spent cooking all sorts of things together was one of the happiest moments of his life so far. 

He'd never been particularly close with his mother, and then when he was sixteen, she'd passed away unexpectedly. A father was never in the picture from the get-go, so that left Ru living with an unfamiliar aunt until he finished high school, then headed off on his own. 

Thankfully, he'd managed to get a job while in high school so he had enough money saved up and also had procured some scholarships, making college doable. It had still taken a lot of effort and persistence, and a full time job, but he never regretted any of his decisions. 

Clearing those thoughts from his mind, Ru watched as Ash and his mum finished putting away the remainder of the dishes he'd scrubbed. 

Maybe she wouldn't mind a son in law like me...

Ash turned to look over his shoulder at him as he closed the cabinet above his head. When he saw Ru notice him, he gave him the biggest smile ever. 

I love you, babe. 

Ru glanced down at his wet hands, then realized he'd forgotten to dry them. Quickly busying himself with that task, he didn't even notice when Ash's mom dismissed herself to go take her spot back at the front desk, and Ash stepped up behind him. 

When the man's arms wrapped around his waist, however, Ru quickly straightened and looked over his shoulder just in time to meet his love's lips for a quick kiss. 

"B-behave," Ru whispered as he looked around the small room. 

"Mum went back to the desk," Ash said as he pressed himself up against Ru gently. 

You are one horny dragon...

He thankfully wasn't hard yet, but it was probably going to get there soon. 

Ignoring that little bit of information, Ru glanced up at the clock on the wall above his head and felt his heart skip a little beat. 

"I... I have to go in three hours," he whispered, making Ash's hands, that had been wandering dangerously close to the waistband of Ru's pants, pause abruptly. 

Only two more seconds passed before the man's arms suddenly tightened around him. 

Don't go! I really don't want you to go. 

Ru bit his lower lip to keep his eyes dry. He still wasn't the best at hearing Ash's thoughts, but he'd heard that plea loud and clear. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to answer it, because neither of them would like what he had to say. 

So, instead of talking, he simply lifted his hands up to grasp Ash's warm arms, then stood there silently until those arms loosened, then finally withdrew from around him. 

That allowed Ru to turn around and reach up until his hand was settled against the side of Ash's face. 

"We'll make it work, sweetheart," he said as he lifted his other hand to help wipe away the tears streaming down Ash's face. 

His love's nose was also running a bit, prompting him to reach back and grab a napkin nearby to help him with that, too. 

Once they were all done and he and Ash had washed their hands again, Ru took Ash's hand and lead him out of the kitchen. The man practically wrapped his free arm around his, making him look quite a bit clingy to anyone else who was glancing their way. 

Normally, he wasn't a fan of such behavior, but he couldn't argue that he didn't mind if Ash did it at all. 

For the remainder of his time there they decided to simply spend it together in their room and, more specifically, in Ash's little horde closet. 

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