Crow 9

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He hadn't meant to work late, but their dishwasher suddenly got burned because he hadn't been looking where he'd been going while texting on his phone and bumped into someone carrying a large container of soup. 

There would be a serious talk about safety when he came in tomorrow morning, as well as a warning for intentionally being unsafe at work. 

Finishing up scrubbing the last pot, Ash set it on a rack to dry, then heaved an exhausted sigh of relief. He was absolutely soaked by both sweat and the soapy water he'd been using to clean all of the resort's dishes. 

Alright, time to finally go back to my crow. 

He hurried toward the exit, switching the lights off right before stepping out into the empty dining hall. His body ached and it was the first time in a while that he honestly felt fatigued, but even so, his smile only grew as he got closer to his room. 

Understanding that it was pretty late, he made sure to be as quiet as he could when entering. It was a good thing, too, because his babe was not only passed out on their bed, but...


He'd honestly wanted to ask to see the man's shift more than a few times, but they'd only know each other for a few shorts days, even though it felt like a lifetime. He'd planned to wait until at least Friday before trying. 

Eager to meet the pretty bird, Ash hurried forward, but before he could reach out he took a step back and looked down at himself, frowning. 

Shower first. 

He made short work of that, since he wasn't much of a primping person. Once done, he stepped out and quietly dried off, then brushed his teeth before walking out and tugging on a pair of short. 

Still asleep? You're just like your Ruru. 

Grinning, Ash walked a little closer, then sat down on the floor about a foot away. He didn't really want to wake the sweet bird, but he knew that him getting into bed might startle it, so he'd rather just get its attention first. 

"Rucrow? Can you wake up for me, sweetheart?" 

He didn't get a response, at first, but after talking quietly to the sleeping bird for a few minutes, it slowly began to awaken. 

There you are. 

Ru's crow slowly got itself up, ruffling its feathers every few moments as it got its balance on the thick blankets. Ash watched it silently, observing its shiny black plumage and equally dark eyes. 

Such a pretty boy. 

He did really think that it was gorgeous, but he now understood Ru's story a lot better, too. 

His feathers... they're all messed up. 

Some looked perfectly fine, but the majority were clearly off... as if they had grown back in wrong. 

Even molts hadn't helped, huh? Poor guy. 

He was mad for the bird, but there was nothing he could do about it now. So, calming himself down, Ash kept a small smile on his face as Ru's crow finally noticed him. 

"Hey there, pretty bird. It's nice to finally meet you," he said calmly but cheerfully. 

Rucrow tilted its head as it hopped a bit closer to the edge of the bed to get a better look at him. It then rustled its feathers again, then gave a curious caw

"You're such a beautiful guy. I love your feathers. You look like such a cool bird," Ash said, making the bird tilt its head again, then lean back a bit and puff out its chest. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now