Crow 11

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It was nearly three hours before their shifts relented and walked down from the hill of jewels and precious rocks to change back into their human forms. Of course, they couldn't have just done it normally. Ru's crow had run ahead back into their room, shifting mid-step so that Ru fumbled right onto the floor with a startled grunt! 

Ashy was a little more gracious with his approach and simply walked over to sit down on top of Ru's chest before allowing his body to waver, then shift. 

That left Ash completely butt naked, straddling Ru's chest with a sheepish grin on his face. 

More than a little embarrassed, he quickly scurried off of him, then helped him sit up as the man opened and closed his mouth a few times, his jaw clearly sore from the three hours he'd spent preening his dragon. 

"Are you okay, babe?" he eventually asked as he leaned closer and lifted his hands to gently massage around Ru's mouth. 

Ru gave a big yawn, likely trying to stretch out more of the muscles around his jaw, then licked his lips as his bare belly grumbled a bit. 

"Oh, we haven't had breakfast yet," Ash noted helpfully, getting a raised eyebrow from Ru for his efforts. 

Grinning, Ash hopped up, then helped Ru up before getting himself dressed in less than three minutes. His love, on the other hand, had quite a bit of primping he wanted to get done since he'd been so out of it earlier. Which was totally fine!

"I'm going to go talk to mum for a few minutes, I'll be right back," Ash said before hurrying out their door in only a pair of tan cargo pants and black tennis shoes. 

His mum was already at the front desk, but there was luckily another girl standing there, too, so he easily got his mum to agree to talk with him in the back room for a few minutes. 

"I got that little harness you wanted crocheted and stitched done, sweetie," she started off as soon as they stepped inside. 

Ash immediately turned to receive the little item, beaming at it as he held it up to examine. 

"It's perfect! Thank you so much, mum!" 

The little harness was exquisitely made and even had little buckles that Ru's crow could likely work with ease. 

My mum is so cool!

"That's not the only thing you wanted to talk to me about was it, my sweet Ash?" 

Ash carefully clipped the little harness to one of his belt loops, then lifted his gaze back up to his mum. 


How did he even begin to say it? 

"You love that handsome young man you've been rooming with, don't you?" 

She knows me so well.

"It's my job to know you, my little dragon," his mother said as she reached up and gave his hair a gentle pat, then paused. 

"You're hair is... really soft. Did you brush it all out with a new product?" she asked, immediately interested and not at all bothered about the previous revelation he'd been worried about revealing.

"This smells like your normal soap, but I've never seen it work this well," she continued, making Ash smile as he lowered his head in order to allow her access to inspect better. 

"Oh my, did that young man help you with this? He is quite skilled if he did," She said, a smile in her words as she finally finished her inspection. 

"Yes, mum. He takes care of himself really well and even chastised me for using a three-in-one soap," Ash said, earning a hearty laugh from his mother. 

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