Crow 19

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(Make sure to read chapter 18 first.)

He managed to get to the airport with a decent amount of time to get through TSA. The only problem? 

Ashy, please! 

He now had scales again and his dragon was wearing his clothing and tugging his luggage along with its tail!

I was only wearing flip-flops so I'm not too upset about losing those, but there's no way they're going to let you just walk through the checkpoints!

His words didn't seem to deter his dragon in the least, however, as it calmly sauntered up to the baggage check-in counter and stood in line patiently. 

Everyone was staring at him, but there was nothing Ash could do! 

So embarrassing. 

Adults normally had perfect control over their shifts, but his dragon had a mind of its own. In fact, Ru was the only other adult he knew that didn't have a good handle on their other halves. 

When it was finally his dragon's turn Ashy tugged the suitcase over to the weight scale and somehow managed to fenagle it up onto it, then sat back and looked up at the lady gaping down at him in bewilderment. 

She seemed to snap out of her daze after a moment, then quickly checked the bag's weight. 

"It's good, do you have your boarding pass, ma'am?" 

Pink dragon... can't fault her for that one. 

He figured that Ashy was finally going to change back since there was no way he was going to be able to get his I.D. out of his carryon bag pocket, but his dragon surprised him, again, and slid the bag from its shoulders, then easily used its claws to remove his wallet from the mesh pocket. 

This... is impressive and frustrating. 

Ashy picked up the item with his mouth and offered it to the lady with a little snort of steam. 

I thought mom was just pulling my leg when she made me add a picture of Ashy to my license, but now...

"Ah! I'm so sorry, sir," the woman quickly corrected herself as she checked him in, then tagged his bag before gesturing for someone to put it on the correct plane. 

Once that was all done she tucked his I.D. back into his wallet and returned it to Ashy, who somehow managed to slip it back into the pocket it had been in before lifting his carryon bag up onto the scale. 

"Easily light enough. You're all set, sweetheart," the woman said, now seemingly a little giddy at having just checked in a literal dragon for a flight. 

Ashy grunted his gratitude before slipping the bag back across his shoulders and heading toward the next part of the check-in process. He continued to completely ignore the looks he was getting as he confidently walked through the airport, then got in his second line. 

That one moved a bit faster, and pretty soon it was his turn again. 

The huge guard looking down at him seemed stunned, but Ashy didn't even bat an eyelash as he slid his bag off again, then lifted it up onto the conveyer belt. 

As it slowly rolled forward Ashy stepped calmly through the metal detector, then stood still as the man waiting on the other side waved his metal wand over him. 

Glad I didn't put on anything big today. 

Especially when concerning his southern region. His dragon had internal genitals, so at least it wasn't walking around with its piercing, and dick, in everyone's view. 

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