Crow 22

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As much as he wanted a kiss goodbye before work, Ru couldn't bring himself to wake his man. That, and he was very much enjoying the view of his naked body stretched out across his bed. 

I've got a dragon in my bed, and he's so damn adorable. 

He knew that Ash usually woke up early for work, and he also knew that he didn't need an alarm clock since one would have easily woken him up while he was sleeping with him at the resort, so he chalked it up to jet lag and decided to leave him to his rest. 

After sneaking quietly out of the room, he slid the door shut with the faintest click, then walked to the bathroom with his clothing under one arm. He usually woke up pretty early, himself, because his crow absolutely refused to let him walk out the door without looking perfect from head to toe. 

And now that they had a mate at home, waiting for them to come back to him after work for the next few days, at least, his crow was extra picky. 

That's why he spent nearly an hour in the bathroom getting ready... even though he literally wouldn't see him again until late that night! 

Sometimes I wander how sane you really are. 

He got a very loud caw! in his ears as Rucrow's response, making him blink a few times, then shake his head to try and disperse the echoing sound. 

"Okay okay, a little bit of it is me, too," he groaned as a headache threatened to start behind his eyes. 

He honestly just wanted to call out again, but he'd been saving up the remainder of his earned time off to cash out once he quit. It would add to the money he already had planned to use for a down payment on a house, though it wasn't a whole lot since he'd just used most of it on his vacation.

His mind began going over the figures again as he finished getting ready, then walked out into the living room before pausing abruptly on his way toward the kitchen.  

His eyes eagerly widened as they took in the mostly naked man now standing in his kitchen. 

Ash had put on a pair of silk boxers that clung to his hips perfectly, emphasizing his ass, amongst other thing. 

Is it too late to call out again? 

While he was partially awestruck and frozen in place, Ash took the liberty of closing the distance between them with a knowing smile on his handsome face. 

As soon as his man's arms wrapped around his waist, however, Ru immediately snapped out of his daze and returned the gesture as his own arms wrapped around Ash's warm neck. 

"Good morning, babe. I hope I didn't startle you, but I really wanted to kiss you goodbye and wish you a good day at work before you left," Ash said, his deep voice sending shivers down Ru's body that had nothing to do with the air conditioner having been set a bit lower for his love's comfort. 

"I also wanted to see you dressed up in a suit again, and I can say that I am extremely glad that I got up for it," Ash added, making Ru chuckle a little as he leaned in for a quick kiss before leaning away. 

He would have gladly kissed the man for hours, amongst other things, but he really did have to get to work soon. 

"You would have seen me when I got home..." Ru noted, even though, on the inside, he was very happy that his baby had woken up just to see him off. He'd worked very hard on his appearance that morning and it felt good for it to be acknowledged by the person he'd done it for. 

"I'm glad I got to see you before, though, and I'll be even happier once you're back home," Ash said, then, reluctantly, released him to hurry back to the kitchen. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now