Crow 2

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(I'm marking this story mature early. Just in case lol)

So warm...

He didn't want to move, let alone get out of bed for breakfast. 

Rustling a few of the feathers that tended to materialize around his shoulders whenever he slept extremely well, Ru took in a deep breath, then sighed it out contently before snuggling further into the soft pillow beneath his head. 

He didn't remember getting beneath the blankets, or even managing to put his head on a pillow, but he must have moved around quite a bit in his sleep at some point. 

I probably just partially woke up because I was cold and tucked myself in. 

He was extremely glad that he had, too. He hadn't slept so well in months!

Now that he was awake, though, he didn't want to get up.

The fire is so soothing. 

He didn't remember lighting it, either, and was kind of surprised that it burnt all night and was still going so strong. 

Must be some good wood. 

He was just about to close his eyes and relax for a while longer when his phone suddenly chimed. 

I'm asleep, go away. 

Of course, his friends knew better. He rarely slept in, ever. 

It's my vacation too, though, he thought stubbornly as he rolled over to face the wall. 

There's also plenty of room to enjoy myself with someone else in this bed, but... he ended his thought on a sigh. 

He hadn't dated in over a year. He'd just gotten so put off by his last boyfriend's obsession with marriage and, more importantly, the prenup he'd typed up after they'd only been together for five months. 

Is a fuck buddy too much to ask for? Can I just be a no-one for once?

As he thought that, Ru lifted his left hand up to press against his forehead, but before he could complete the action something caught his attention, freezing his long fingers right in front of his widening eyes. 

Where... are my rings? 

Turning his head to the side as he heard another chime from his phone, Ru scanned the nightstand beside the bed, but didn't see anything besides his phone. 

I couldn't have taken them off. They're my babies.

Sitting up, he looked back down at his naked left hand, then pursed his lips as he quickly scooted out of bed and stood up. 

"Maybe my suitcase..." 

He doubted it, but he didn't hesitate to at least check. It didn't take long for him to prove his assumption correct, though. 

Not there. 

He quickly checked the blankets, then beneath the bed, but still no luck. 

Now that he'd looked everywhere he could think of, he finally turned back to his phone and picked it up. Instead of responding to the texts, he glanced at who'd sent them, then pressed call on the number. 

Martin picked up on the first ring, but before he could even get a full word out Ru was talking over him.

"Have you seen my rings?"

There was an awkward pause on the other end of the line before Martin spoke. 

"Your rings? Babe, you always keep them on you or on the nightstand next to your bed, don't you? I've never seen you without them on."

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