Crow 4

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Ru finally sat down in one of the nice armchairs on the opposite side of the room from the bed and heaved an exhausted sigh. 

Ash's mother, Margarette, had been more than a little flustered with her son in such a state and had quickly run out from behind the desk to help him as he'd approached. The moment she mentioned putting him into a bathtub Ru hurried toward his room. 

Margarette had held the door for him, then they both got him situated in the tub with some nice cold water. She'd even called him a foolish boy for getting into the hot springs as she worked to make him comfortable with a few towels beneath his head. 

Ru grinned as he stretched his legs out and leaned his head back. 

It's odd that someone runs such a high body temperature all the time without feeling ill, though. 

The thermometer had gone down to one-hundred and four before Margarette had sighed with relief. He couldn't imagine having a base temperature so high. 

No wonder I've never seen him with a shirt on, either. 

Even when the man had cooked him breakfast, he'd had absolutely nothing on above the waist. 

Tilting his head forward again, he eyed the man now passed out on his bed. 

It's a good thing your mom was able to take care of you. I didn't need to help with much more than taking you out of the tub once she had dried you off and put on a clean pair of shorts.

He was just about to close his eyes and simply relax for a bit when his phone suddenly rang on the little table beside him.  

Not wanting to wake up Ash, he quickly answered it in a quiet tone. 

"Hey Ruru, where have you been? Is your friend alright? We saw you carrying him earlier..." Elijah said with a hint of worry to his words. 

"Ah yeah, we're both fine. He just got overheated in the hot springs." 

"Ask him if he's coming to dinner!" Martin yelled from a little ways away. 


Ru glanced at the clock on his phone and was surprised to see that it was already four-thirty! 

"I totally lost track of time. Yeah, I'll head to dinner soon," he answered as he cut off Elijah's babbling on the other end of the line.

"Alright, good! We will see you there around five-thirty!"  

The moment the guy hung up Ru realized something. 

He looked like an absolutely mess

His inner crow immediately began to freak out as he jumped up and ran into the bathroom, then ran back out and grabbed himself a change of clothes, then ran back in. He quickly but quietly shut the door, then stripped out of his shorts before getting the shower going. 

The moment he stepped beneath the warm water his preening habits kicked in at full force!

He meticulously scrubbed himself from head to do, face to butt. Then lathered up his hair before carefully shaving under his armpits. He then rinsed his hair, then added a special scrub to his face, then let that sit as he gently sifted conditioner into his lochs. 

As that settled he rinsed off his face, then ran a comb through his dark hair. After a waiting a few more moments Ru rinsed out his hair, then turned off the water with a content sigh. 

Much better. 

Of course, he still had plenty more to do, so he didn't stay still for long. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now