Crow 6

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How... how can someone live like this? 

Ru's hand was shaking as he stared down at the bottle of all-in-one shampoo, conditioner, and body wash! 

His feathers were ruffled. No, not just ruffled, actually, but literally sprouting from his shoulders and hair! His crow couldn't comprehend how Ash could look so good with such a simple, basic product!

It immediately began filling his head with images of all of the things he needed to buy for their man. The scent, at least, could stay, but there were quite a few great paraben and sulfate free hair products that would work really well. 

As far as body wash went, he liked the ones that had a less oily base but still cleaned well. There were plenty of those on the market, so there was really no need to have it added to your hair care product!

Oli's would work for body wash... or Blue Leaf. 

He thought about the man's skin and how soft it had been when he'd touched him. 

He probably doesn't need anything special. Just something with good ingredients. 

As he considered that topic for a bit longer as he stood beneath the spray of water, his mind began to imagine the man using the products he wanted to suggest.    

He watched intently as his mind created image after image, first of the hair care products, then the body wash. Unfortunately for his willpower, he'd already seen the guy completely naked. At least from the front. So it wasn't hard to image his body sopping wet and covered in suds. 

O-oh... oops.

His own body had evidently not minded the images, either, because his hand was already holding his aroused self. 

This really isn't the time. 

He was also uncomfortably loud when taking care of himself, and that was one embarrassment he'd rather not live through again. Thankfully he didn't squawk or anything like that, but he sure as hell made enough noise to have the neighbors questioning his actions. 

He was extremely glad that he'd managed to find a place on his own after finishing his master's degree. 

I can't jerk off right now, though. Not with him on the other side of the door!

His crow didn't seem to understand that bit of information, though. Or, more than likely, didn't care. 

In fact, it immediately brought up the most interesting piece of jewelry it had seen recently... along with the item it was attached to! 

 Damn bird!

He was supposed to be washing himself, not getting more dirty!

"Everything okay in there, Ruru?" 

Ru quickly lifted his arm to muffle the moan that was about to come out of it! He then hurriedly force himself to calm down enough to think straight, then released his arm in order to clear his voice. 

"Y-yeah, I'm good," he replied as steadily as he could. 

As he spoke, Ru reached up and grabbed one of the shower knobs, intent on turning it to cold. 

"I'm going to go make us some snacks for our trip. I'll be back in about twenty minutes," Ash said. 

Twenty minutes, Jesus. 

"Okay, take your time," was Ru's response. 

He counted down a full minute after that before redirecting his hand back down between his legs. It didn't take him long before the images that had previously flowed freely through his mind returned... and easily got him off. Hell, just thinking about that gorgeous man beneath him had been nearly enough on its own. 

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