Crow 7

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(Ball is doing pretty well as the only dog but was too lazy to look at the camera today. Pepper went to live with my old roommate recently because of my bad allergies and is having quite a good time in Oklahoma.)

His heart was racing so loudly in his chest that Ash wasn't sure the music in the car would even drown it out. He wasn't used to trying to win someone's affection and when Ru had joked to him about possibly going out with his friends anyways, he'd just gotten so frustrated and worried that he'd grabbed his hand and stormed out!

Glancing sideways at Ru for the third time since they'd started their drive, Ash couldn't really see any stress on his features from his previous actions.

Maybe he didn't mind?

Licking his lips, Ash fought himself not to lift his free hand and rub at the back of his neck.

My palms are getting sweaty.

Part of that was nerves, but the other part was the fact that he'd actually turned on the heater in his car for Ru. It was the first time he'd ever used it and was honestly a bit surprised that it had even worked.

The man seemed grateful for the added warmth, though, so it was definitely a good thing that he'd thought about it.

"Hey Ash?"

Internally flinching a tiny bit, Ash looked to the side for a moment and smiled before returning his attention to the road.

"Yeah, Ruru?"

"What are your future plans?"

Err, that was a pretty deep question to start out with!

"I'm not entirely sure? I really enjoy cooking and I make good money at the resort..."

Ru nodded.

"You are a very good cook. Fantastic, even."

Ash would have dissolved into a mush of happiness right that second if he didn't have to drive!

"Thank you, that means a lot," he eventually said as his face burned with an obvious blush.

"I'd love to learn how you made those gluten free pancakes and bread sometime, if you don't mind sharing your recipes?" Ru replied happily.

Cooking with my baby...

"O-of course! I'll show you whatever you want!"

And he meant that, quite literally. Anything the guy wanted to see was his for the looking. And touching, if he so wished.

Ru seemed to catch onto what he meant, because before he'd even finished speaking the man was laughing quietly beneath the scarf he still had wrapped around his neck and chin.

So cute!

Unable to help but keep smiling, Ash asked Ru if he had any plans for the future.

The man's response wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as his own, as it was just a shrug and a mumbled "same old desk job."

He seemed to think that his response was lacking almost immediately, however, and quickly straightened and lifted his tucked chin out of the scarf.

"I-I mean, I make good money and I'm one of the head bosses for my company, but I... I don't know. I'm having second thoughts all of a sudden and I'm not really sure why."

This... beco... —fused.

Ash tilted his head slightly as he picked up another little snippet of thought from his babe. He'd first heard, or at least felt him the other night when Ruru had been taking a shower.

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now