Crow 3

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He knew that tone, and  he knew that it would be waiting for him as soon as he turned the corner and came into view of the front desk. Before he could even get a word in his mom grabbed his hand and pulled him into the little back room there. 

"Ash, you have that young man's rings, right?" 

It wasn't really a question. Things tended to go missing around the resort. Especially if they were shiny... and the culprit? Well, it was always him, of course. 

"I couldn't help it. He was sleeping in my room and I just saw them on his fingers..." he said as he reluctantly pulled out the two rings from his back pocket. 

When he refused to hand them over, however, his mom crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow.

"I thought I raised a borrower, Ash. Not a thief. We had a deal that you could take things if your dragon was restless, but you always had to give them back within a day so that they could be returned to the guests you took them from." 

Ash hunched his shoulders a little and looked away. He was about to remind his mom that it hadn't been a full day yet, but before he could open his mouth she started speaking again. 

"Wait a moment. Did you just say that I put him in your room?" 

Ash quickly turned his head back to face her. 

"Yes. I came in the other night after prepping the kitchen for today and he was sound asleep in my bed." 

His mother's face paled slightly as she hurried out of the room and returned to the desk, then moved the little mouse near the computer to wake it up. 

"He must have read his room number wrong. I've never made such a mistake," she said as she quickly pulled up the guest chart. 

They were both silent for a few moments until she finally found Ruru's assigned room number. 

Oh? His name is just Ru? Ruru is so cute though...


She moved over a few feet and pulled out a drawer where they stored all their keycards. His spare ones were gone. 

He'd been correct. 

"I... I'm so sorry, Ash. I don't know how I had messed that up." 

While she seemed to be panicking, likely fretting over having to tell a guest that they had to go to a different, while-still nice, but not as beautiful room, Ash was going over the idea of telling the man that they would just have to share for a bit.

"Let me just find the room he was supposed to be in and then I'll offer him a discount as an apology," his mum said as she scrolled through their list of rooms.

And scrolled...

And scrolled...

"There's... nowhere? How is that possible?" 

He knew. 

"We're booked full for the entire month, mum. If someone was accidentally booked into my room, there wouldn't be a spare anywhere."

They were overbooked by one room. And it was Ru's. 

His inner dragon still wasn't quite sure what it thought of the arrangement, but considering how beautiful the man's rings were, it wasn't exactly fighting him on it. It was honestly extremely rare that his dragon agreed to share any kind of space, so if it wasn't against letting Ru into its den, then he was definitely going to give it a shot. 

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