Crow 18

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He was anxious. 

He was so unbearably anxious!

It had only been two weeks and things were honestly moving along well, but that didn't help the anxiety he felt not having Ru around him all the time. 

I think I have a problem. 

He knew he had a problem, but he didn't know how to deal with it! Ruru started calling him every other day like clockwork once he realized that he would be called that much if not, but...

Falling backwards onto his bed, Ash groaned as he rubbed his face with his shaking hands. 

I've never been this stressed about another person. Even when I was able to date a tiny bit in high school. 

He rolled onto his side, allowing his hands to fall away as he heaved the most discontent sigh of his life. 

"I just want my Ruru with me..."

A gentle knock on the door startled him a tiny bit, making him hurry back to his feet and answer it. 

"Ah, mum?" 

His mother promptly stepped inside, prompting Ash to nudge the door shut before hurrying to follow after her. They both ended up seated on the edge of his bed with one of his large hands in between her two smaller ones. 

"My sweet Ash, what is going on?" 

He knew that he wouldn't be able to hide things from her for long, but he hadn't really thought up any kind of excuse he could use to lie, either. 

"I don't want lies, Ashy Rune Knight."

Uh oh, full name. 

Looking away for a moment, he did his best to gather his whirling thoughts. 

"I can sense a little bit of it, so I know that it's that sweet young man you were courting while here. I also have heard you talking to him on your phone just about everywhere. Things didn't seem bad..." 

Ash quickly turned back to face her. 

"Everything is going very well!" he nearly shouted, having to catch himself right before he did so. 

His mother was a bit surprised by his enthusiasm, but she took it in stride and nodded after a moment, then smiled gently as she tapped the back of his hand. 

"I'm glad. So, if things are going well, then why is my Ashy so stressed?" she asked, then seemed to notice something and lifted her hand to brush his bangs away from his left eye. 

"Is your dragon restless, sweetheart?" 

That was a big part of it. His dragon hadn't calmed down since Ru had left. The calls definitely helped, but as soon as that voice disappeared from the other end of the line, it started a countdown until his dragon went crazy again. 

Reluctantly, Ash nodded as a frown slid onto his lips. 

"He's so upset. I can't manage to calm him down no matter what I do, and I when I tried to shift and let him fly around outside he immediately headed towards the airport!" 

He couldn't just take a plane naked and they both knew that they wouldn't just let a dragon buy a ticket, either! 

A gentle pat to his hair immediately calmed the fire in his dragon as it reacted to its mother's touch. 

"There there, sweetheart. Don't you worry too much about that. Your father was the same way when courting me. I was a bit startled by his insistence, at first, but when he let out his dragon it all became clear."

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now