Crow 28

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The next day they had gone to get their rings, but of course, Ash wouldn't let Ru leave without his own engagement ring. 

He ended up picking out a black opal with a gold and silver band. It was one of the cheapest the store sold, at only four-hundred dollars, but the second he'd laid eyes on it he'd fallen in love. 

"You're daydreaming again, my Ru," Ash said as he pressed a turkey and pepperoni lettuce wrap to his lips with a knowing grin. 

They had decided to go to a restaurant for lunch to celebrate their engagement, and let Ashy pick. That's how they ended up at a simple lunch joint that hadn't looked like much from the outside, but the food was surprisingly good. 

"Like your ring that much, hmm?" he said with a grin that lit up his one red and one brown eye. 

Ru blushed and took a bite, filling his mouth to keep from babbling because, not only did he love his new ring, but Rucrow was also quite excited about their new acquisition. 

And considering that he'd been a bit miffed after being scolded by Ash the other day, the bird had been pretty quiet within his mind... until it saw that ring. 

Finishing chewing, Ru calmly swallowed, then met his love's soft gaze. 

"I'm sorry, I really do love it, but Rucrow is in love with it. He won't stop trying to push his way out so that he can pick it up and inspect it," he said honestly, blushing. 

Ash's eyes lit up at the mention of his bird.

"Does that mean I am forgiven for chastising him yesterday?" he asked as he leaned forward a little. 

Rucrow immediately cawed within his mind, ruffling his feathers as he strutted back and forth, anxious to get out. 

"I think that's definitely a possibility," he replied before finishing his last bite, then handing the waitress his card to pay. 

Once they were finally back in the car and heading to the resort Ru tucked his left hand beneath his leg and pulled out his phone. He calmly flipped through a few things, trying to keep his ring out of view of his bird for a little while. 

"So... I was thinking that maybe we should call a realtor for that area we were looking at? Maybe get some ideas on what the prices really are right now and such," he said as he looked over at his love. 

Ash gave him a big grin as he nodded, then returned his attention to the road. 

"I agree, that way we can understand what we're getting into better."

They talked a bit more about what they wanted and what they were willing to make concessions on when comparing locations and prices. 

The moment they got home they greeted Ash's mother at the front desk, then went to his room and got comfortable before finding a realtor they liked from the area to call. 

As luck would have it, they were available to talk right away, and pretty soon the three of them were going over everything from housing locations, neighborhood ratings, population densities and possible available restaurant locations for lease. 

To Ru's surprise, Ash actually kept up with everything just as well as he, himself, was, as he wrote down the important points the lady was making. 

By the time they finally hung up they were both giddy and had a few addresses to look up that were currently either for sale right then or going to be put on the market very soon. 


Leaning back against his man since he'd been settled in his lap for the majority of the conversation, Ru tilted his head and settled his cheek against Ash's shoulder. 

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