Crow 25

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Ru took over the other leg of their journey, but not because Ash wasn't willing to drive. He was more than willing, but he was also a dragon. And while he had seen a couple chimp shifters, and even one bear driving a car in a suit, things were different for dragons... especially dragons that couldn't sit still!

How did he ever manage to behave during an entire flight?

It baffled his mind.

"We're almost there, bud," he said as they began the drive up the mountain.

There was still a light layer of snow on the ground but the temperature was actually already above freezing. It would be melting soon.

By the time they were finally parked in front of the resort Ashy was wiggling like a border collie that's been cooped up all day without anything to do. Which was technically true, except he was a dragon and not a dog.

"Alright, give me a second and I'll come get y—" Ru had just-barely gotten his own door open when Ashy gave a squeal loud enough to rival a six year old girl at a Barbie convention before a blur of pink shot past him and into a massive mound of snow!

Everything was silent for a few moments as several guests stared in confused surprise, but then a flick of snow went this way, then another was tossed that way. Pretty soon Ashy had the pile reduced to a puddle of melting sludge.

Truly a dog in dragon's clothing.

Deciding to do as he would with any canine that wasn't really paying attention when needed, Ru turned and walked away, heading up to the front door.

He expected Ashy to follow him, but when he heard another loud screeching-roar, then a second blur of pink zoomed past his eyes, he couldn't believe what had actually happened.

Oh bud. I think you might need some glasses.

Walking over to the clearly-stunned dragon, Ru knelt down and carefully helped him up.

I've heard of birds flying into windows, but not shifters...

As Ashy shook off the last of his shock, Ru looked over his shoulder as he heard the front doors open.

"Welcome back, Sweetheart! I heard Ashy knock and had to come welcome you myself," Ash's mom said, making Ru raise an eyebrow.

That was him knocking? A few screws loose, maybe...

"Ah," Ru replied as he stood up once he was sure Ashy was okay.

Shaking her hand, he smiled.

"That's some impressive glass, ma'am."

Ann giggled behind her hand before reaching down to pet her son's excited dragon.

"We've learned our lesson, haven't we, sweet Ashy?"

The dragon paused its nuzzling and stared up at her, then back to the glass, then back to her. Ru wasn't quite sure what it meant to say, but if the indignant, steamy huff that soon followed was any indication, the lesson was not, unfortunately, learned.

"Alright, well let's get ourselves inside! I've already started the fire in Ash's room so you two go relax for a bit before it's time for dinner," she said as she easily lifted their heavy suitcases and toted them off without an ounce of trouble.

That's impressive, too.

Following with Ashy wandering around him in a more-muted excitement, Ru made his way through the building with a smile on his face.

The door to Ash's room was open when he got there, but Ann quickly scooted past him with a big smile and a wave.

I think she's happy to see me again so soon.

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now