Crow 21

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Waking up with his Ruru in his arms felt like a dream. A very perverted one, evidently, because he was quite uncomfortable between his legs. 

He immediately considered waking his baby up for some fun, since he could feel that Ru was also partially hard, but when he looked up at his sleeping face, his heart fidgeted in his chest. 

He wasn't the happiest when I rode him the first time... 

He'd also done it without asking, and while Ru had definitely seemed to enjoy it, and he didn't tell him to stop at all, Ash realized that he probably shouldn't do it that way again. And besides, his baby looked way too adorable sleeping so soundly. 

We can do it later. 

That still left his own little problem, however, so he quietly rolled out of bad and grabbed an outfit out of his suitcase before silently heading to the bathroom. He took the coldest shower he could, which felt amazing, then got dressed and towel-dried his hair so that he didn't make any extra noise with the hairdryer. 

In the two weeks they'd been apart, he'd tried to work on taking care of himself a little better, and thus, had bought a hairdryer, but he only used it every so often because, honestly, it made him way too hot! 

Looking in the mirror after brushing his teeth, Ash smiled and walked back into their room. His smile widened when he noticed that Ru was already reaching for something in his sleep to hold onto now that he was no longer in bed with him. 

Walking around the bed, he retrieved Ashy from the far corner, then brought it over and gently tucked it beneath his love's arm. It was hugged to Ru's chest immediately as his man nuzzled his face into its soft fabric. 

I am jealous of a stuffed version of myself. 

So jealous, in fact, that he considered just tossing the thing out of the room and crawling back into his rightful place, but he held himself back... but just barely. 

Instead, he went back to his suitcase and took out a pad of sticky notes and a marker, then began writing. By the time he was done with his little task, there were four sticky notes stuck to Ashy's head and body. 

There we go. 

Content with his work, he quietly slipped out of the room and gently slid the door shut, then walked into the kitchen. 

Let's see what we've got to work with...

To his surprise, there wasn't much in the refrigerator at all. It was sparkling and clean, but the only thing inside was a carton of milk and a few condiments. 

The freezer had a package of frozen chicken in it, along with a TV dinner, but that was it. 

Alright, time to go grocery shopping. 

He'd thankfully put on a shirt already, so shoes were all he needed to allow him access to a store. After sliding some on, he added his wallet to his back pocket and grabbed his phone, then took a few of the reusable bags he saw hanging by the door before picking up the key Ru had left out on the counter for him. 

He made sure that he locked the front door after stepping out, then pulled up the nearest grocery store on his phone. It wasn't too far away, just two blocks, so he happily walked the distance. 

He was right. Even though it's winter it's still pretty warm here. 

His phone was telling him that it was close to seventy degrees, which was normal for most people to feel comfortable, but a dragon? 


Stepping inside a few moments later, he greeted the single cashier and asked if they had a section specifically for gluten free items. It seemed like a specialty health food store, and to his relief, the woman gladly showed him to the area he'd requested. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now