Crow 24

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It was moving day and everything was thankfully packed, or donated. They would be taking his car, of course, and while he'd given back his keys and made sure that everything checked out with the apartment, he'd made one tiny miscalculation. 

I can't drive as a bird. 

Ash had forgotten that his mother had placed something in his suitcase for Ru and only remembered it when Ru needed a little extra room for some clothing he couldn't bare to part with. 

The little bag was no larger than Ash's hand, but inside was something that made his crow immediately take control and refuse to give it back! 

Go ahead and drive, you know he won't let me have control back for a while, he told Ash, his bird actually allowing him to use their bond a bit. 

He was riding on the man's shoulder as he walked, his head feathers gently rustling in the wind like a supermodel's hair. 

With his new little suitcoat, complete with a well-pinned bow tie and Velcro buttons, in case he shifted back abruptly, he truly did feel like someone special. 

"I would be honored to drive for my sweet Rucrow," Ash replied as he slid into the driver's seat and shut the door. 

He didn't turn the car on just yet, but instead, looked around and checked out everything as he felt his love's consciousness fade into the background, leaving Rucrow to his own devices. 

The car was extremely clean, and Ash made sure not to mess it up as he carefully settled their two drinks into the cupholders, then took down the sunshield screen. 

Once that was put away, he did one final check, then turned his head and pressed a light kiss to Rucrow's soft wing feathers. 

"Let's go for a drive, sweetheart." 

He got a content caw in response and almost right away began getting preened by his sweet passenger. As much as he wanted to talk with Ruru during their drive, he didn't mind the attention he was getting from his sweet bird, either. 

"I hope you're ready to try flying again once we get back to my mum's! Ashy has been waiting for a chance to do it with you," he said cheerfully. 

Rucrow ended up being quite talkative, himself, and happily cawed and cooed along as they drove until, finally, he allowed Ru to have control back about four hours into their trip. 

That trade off thankfully occurred while they were pulled over for their first stretch break, and still in the car, allowing Ash to quickly grab some clothing from the back for his love to change into. 

There might have been a few extra long kisses before they headed out again, too, but neither minded. 

After about ten hours of driving and minimal stops, since most fast food places weren't the safest for people with bad allergies, they arrived at their hotel for the evening. 

He could tell that his Ruru was quite hungry, and his own stomach was making its displeasure known, too. Setting their suitcases inside their room, they made sure that the locks on the door were good and that everything looked as it should, then turned to each other with tired smiles. 

"Ready for one seriously big dinner, then early bed?" he asked as Ru walked right into his opening arms. 

Ash gladly hugged his man tightly, squeezing a quiet laugh out of him that was cuter than any kitten or puppy could ever be. 

He's so addicting. 

His Ru was still a little nervous, too, but Ash could feel that stress waning as he stayed settled within his arms. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now