Crow 15

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(How is this chapter 15 already? XD)

The guy in front of him seemed to have short-circuited.

"Ash?" Ru asked as he leaned forward a little.


He lowered his hand to the man's warm cheek and rubbed gently.

"Babe, you ok—oomph!" He was promptly hugged with enough force to shove him back against the wall!

He could hear Ash mumbling something as the man nuzzled against his borrowed shirt, but couldn't quite make out his words.

"Sweetheart?" he questioned as he wrapped his arms around him.

It took Ash another moment before he finally looked up with such an impish, excited grin that Ru couldn't help but smile, too.

"Hey there, babe. You alright?" he asked as he squeezed him gently, loving how warm the man's body tended to be.

Ash quickly gave a confirming "mhm!" as he nodded repeatedly, drawing a light laugh from Ru before he released him, then Ash immediately took his hand to begin walking again.

The man seemed surprisingly jittery now, and was even swinging their arms as he sped up a bit, yet he continued to look down and smile strangely every few moments, too.

What are you doing, you goofball?

He watched and observed his babe as they continued their walk, taking into consideration what he'd said and—wait a second.

Ash had never given him an actual answer!

Slowing to a stop abruptly, Ash gave out a little grunt as he was forced to stop, too. When his love finally turned to look at him, a nervous, confused expression on his face, Ru offered him a reassuring smile.

"Babe, you forgot to reply to me," he said, making sure that he had a little humor mixed into his words since Ash looked about ready to panic as if he'd already done something wrong.

His one sentence slowly cleared the stress from Ash's face as the man realized that he'd forgotten to respond to him asking him to be his boyfriend!

Ash quickly grabbed his hand with both of his own, then unintentionally yelled "yes! I will be you boyfriend!"

Everyone in the lobby where they'd stopped suddenly became unable to utter a single word, making the sudden cacophony around them quiet to the point that they'd be able to hear a cricket chirp if it happened to get in.

Ru took it all in stride, because honestly, he didn't give a crap about anyone else but his new boyfriend standing right in front of him, looking as if Santa had just brought him the best gift in the whole entire world.

"Great," he said as he leaned in for the briefest kiss.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Ash's face was nearly the same pink color as Ashy's mane, making Ru realize that perhaps he should ease his love into PDA stuff instead of just going right for a kiss in the middle of a crowded room.  

Such a cutie, though.

Looking out the large window to his right, Ru noted the sun heading downward in the sky and pursed his lips.

I guess no flying tonight.

His crow was also pretty tuckered out after having so much attention at dinner when it wasn't used to being out.

"Hey Ruru? Would you like to go for a walk with me? I know we were planning to fly, but it's already getting dark so perhaps that would be best left for tomorrow?"

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