Crow 14

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The closer they got to the dining hall the more nervous Ash became. He wasn't really sure why, though, because he knew that his mum would absolutely love Rucrow, but still...

Calm down, heart. We're just having dinner. 

He managed to relax enough to steady his breathing right before they stepped into the dining area. Then, upon seeing his mother situated at the far table, dressed to the T, his heart immediately fumbled as if he'd suddenly tripped while running one-hundred miles an hour!

Frozen in place, he didn't even notice when his mum eagerly waved him over. 

What if Rucrow doesn't end up liking her? 

She was an amazing woman, though. Surely he would love her. 

But if he doesn't like her... or if she doesn't like him?! 

Shifts could be much more temperamental than their human counterparts, and it seemed like Ru had about as much control over Rucrow as he did Ashy. Which was to say, not a whole lot. 

He was just beginning to feel dizzy from worry when he suddenly realized something and turned his head to look at his shoulder. 

His bird-less shoulder. 


He was just about to have a panic attack, his mind bringing up one terrified boiled crow image after the other, when he suddenly heard an excited caw from across the room. His head snapped toward the sound immediately, then a flood of relieve nearly made his legs turn to jelly. 


He hurried forward until he was standing beside his mother... who was holding his baby Rucrow like, well, a baby. 

"Your friend has such a sweet bird, Ashy," she said as she gently pet his feathery head. 

"I was just telling him how nice he looks in his sweater, and with his new jewelry additions. I also offered to make him more things to wear if he liked it. Can you believe that he was so excited he even cawed for me? What a cutie!" 

Ash stood there, more than a bit dumbstruck. 

He's never let me hold him like that...

Or much at all, honestly. 

The bird had seemed pretty independent and always frustrated about its feathers, so the only time he'd actually picked it up was when they were celebrating a short while ago. And that had only been for a brief moment. 

"Come sit down, sweetheart. You're ordering the same as usual, right?" she said as she waved toward one of their waiters. 


He did want his usual, but Rucrow was right there and he didn't want to seem childish. It was already hard enough trying to stay on even footing with someone clearly more mature than himself. 

"U-um, I'm gonna try something new this time," he said as he hurried to scan through the menu... even though he already knew it all by heart. 

He could tell his behavior was confusing his mother even without looking up at her, but he couldn't help it! He wanted to be more mature, and eating the same exact simple thing almost every time you ate at a restaurant just wasn't. 

Besides, he'd cooked, and tasted, every single thing on the menu, so it wasn't like any of them tasted bad to him. He just preferred one specific thing.

When the waiter walked over a moment later, he set his menu down and ordered the butternut squash soup and woodfired salmon. Once done, he handed his menu back, then glanced across the table at his mother... who was giving him a very confused look. 

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