Crow 29

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Splashing water on his face to try and cool it, Ash closed his eyes, doing his best to keep himself from overheating. He was used to sweating in the kitchen back at the resort, but their new place definitely had some ventilation issues that would need addressing! 

Thankfully, they were just doing a test run right now with some of the local folks they'd met over the last month, so they weren't even doing half their menu today. 

Shaking the droplets of water from the tips of his bangs, Ash tugged a clean towel from his belt and wiped his face off, then grinned into the mirror at the handsome devil looking back at him. 

I look like I just tanned in the sun for ten hours straight. 

Even Ashy was uncomfortable with the temperature beneath his skin. 

Go ahead and take a break, we've got things covered here, Ru said to him through their bond, which was now stronger than ever. 

He even heard a determined caw from Rucrow right after Ru had finished speaking, making him chuckle quietly as he washed his hands, then stepped out of the staff bathroom. 

At that very moment he felt a faint vibration in his back pocket, making him tug his phone out and lift it to his ear. 


"Hello Ash, I was just calling you back to confirm our appointment at 404 Error Drive at four o'clock," their realtor said. 

Oh right! 

They'd gotten so busy that he'd nearly forgotten the time! 

"Yes, we'll be there! Thanks for the reminder!" 

He hung up a few moments later, then hurried back into the warm kitchen to find his love standing over one of their stoves tending to two pans of simmering sauces, just waiting for the noodles to be ready to add, then serve. 

He's become such a good cook in just a month with simple instruction. 

Instead of interrupting him, Ash stepped up to the dishwashing sink and took care of the twenty or so items that needed tended to while their dishwasher took his lunch break... he wasn't good at taking breaks. At least, not if his love was still working.   

"Ready to go?" 

Hearing Ru's voice right behind him, Ash gladly rinsed off his hands, then turned around with a big grin. 


After checking on things and making sure that there wouldn't be any issues to finish up service, they headed out, walking down the street to the hotel they were staying at. 

Wisely, they took showers separately, not needing to risk being late to look at the house they'd been wanting to see all week. His Ru was also always extremely punctual, so he'd probably drag him there naked if he had to in order to be on time. 

He made sure to go first, since he was fine just doing the bare minimum, then got dressed and dried his hair before getting together everything he knew his love would need to get ready comfortably. 

Ru's crow had been given more and more leniency as it continued to keep its cool about how perfect Ru had to look. So, after about forty minutes they were ready to go, giving them just enough time to make it to the viewing with a few minutes to spare. 

He'd decided to drive since he already knew that Ru would be looking at the neighborhood and surrounding areas. They wanted to make sure that it would be a safe place because, in the past few days, they'd begun floating the idea of adoption around between them. 

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