Crow 8

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(Little chapter for some cuteness.)

The movie was alright, but Ru couldn't keep his attention on it while Ash had his arm snuggly wrapped around him. Of course, he also didn't mind it, either, because honestly, he loved any attention the man was willing to give him.

Such a simple gesture wouldn't normally even distract him, either, but because it was Ash, he couldn't even remember the name of the movie they were watching.

I just want to go home and cuddle with him, but I also want to take him out to dinner.

His crow added that they should buy him more things, too, but Ru knew that Ash didn't want him to go overboard.

Feeling the man's gentle fingers sift through his hair, he glanced up from where he'd leaned his head against Ash's shoulder.

"The movie's over, love."


Wait, it is?!

Sitting up abruptly, Ru looked up at the blank screen, then around them.

I really just spent the entire movie thinking about him?

"Ready to go, Ruru?"

Ru quickly stood up and, after taking the man's proffered hand, walked with him out of the theater. He knew that he was a blushing mess for having not even paid attention to the film, and being caught, but he couldn't help it.

"I'm going to use the restroom real quick," Ash said, making Ru realize that he had to go, too.

"Yeah, good idea," he said as he followed him into the bathroom.

It was pretty full, but Ash somehow managed to position himself beside him. He was turned a bit, though, and it took Ru the entire time he was relieving himself to realize that the guy was blocking other people's view!

Really? It's a bathroom, it doesn't matter if people look.

Except, he also, kind of, wanted to block people from staring at Ash, too. Especially the shiny bit his crow was sneaking a peak at.

Shaking his head, Ru finished up and washed his hands, then stepped out right in front of Mandy and Helen...

"Oh hey! You're Ash's new friend! What movie are you guys going to s—" "We were just leaving. You two have a good time," Ash said as he stepped out of the bathroom and smoothly slipped his warm hand back into Ru's before tugging him right past them.

Ru hurried along, looking back over his shoulder at the two startled girls only once before the cold outside air snapped his attention back to what was in front of him. Which was Ash, who was reaching up to press a hand to either side of his face, then leaning forward to kiss him.

He would have been lying if he'd said that he didn't enjoy the jealousy that was clearly being displayed... even though he really wasn't used to it.

When the kiss finally ended they were both breathless and blushing. And they might have had more than a few people staring at them.

"Let's head back?" Ash asked, then quickly backtracked.

"U-unless you're hungry? You wanted to buy me dinner?" he said, having evidently momentarily forgotten.

Ru gave a quiet chuckle as he slid his cold hand back into Ash's and began leading him toward the car.

"Tomorrow. I'm still kinda full and honestly wouldn't mind lying down for a short nap," he said truthfully.

It was clear that Ash had boundless amounts of energy, which made sense for his age, but Ru wasn't the best at handling the cold, nor was he twenty-one. A quick nap sounded amazing right then.

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