Crow 5

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(This is the second update for this weekend. Make sure to read the previous one first.) 

Ru unconsciously reached to the side as he awoke, his hand evidently expecting to find something beneath the blankets. When it returned without having touched a thing, he slowly opened his eyes. 


It took him a minute to process the situation before him, but not because of anything bad. Ash was actually not beside him, or even in the room at all. 

What was beside him, however, was pretty freaking cute.  

"Hey there, big guy," Ru said as he reached his arms up out from beneath four blankets and grabbed the big stuffed pink dragon. 

It looked a bit worn from age, but it was still clearly very well taken care of. Grinning, Ru checked the little dog tag that was fastened around its neck with a collar. 

"Ashy, huh? Is your daddy a big dragon just like you?" he asked with a light chuckle to his words as he hugged the soft animal to his chest. 

He was just about to drift back off to sleep for a little longer when his nose caught the scent of something. 


Pushing himself up slowly, he realized that it was only a tiny bit cool in the room as the blankets fell away from his body. 

Oh, he'd gotten the fireplace going. 

He paused for a moment, then felt his face warm. 

He must have started it the other night while I was asleep, too. 

Pushing those thoughts to the side for the moment, Ru looked toward an item he hadn't noticed previously. 

Is that...?

Scooting closer with his new dragon friend firmly held against his chest with one arm, Ru moved until he was at the edge of the bed. 

"You stay here for a moment and be good, okay?" he told the big stuffed animal as he settled it on one of the many pillows, then turned his attention toward the large metal item sitting on the nightstand. 

Reaching over, he picked up the warm tray and brought it over to settle atop his lap. 

He did not...

Of course, he knew that he, in fact, had, but it felt so surreal as he grabbed the little knob on top of the lid and lifted it up to reveal a freshly made, piping hot, breakfast. 

He was completely speechless. 


A little white card that must have fallen from the tray caught his attention next to his thigh, making Ru quickly pick it up and read the front. 

Everything is completely gluten free, babe. Even the pancakes! Enjoy :) 

I... I think I might cry. 

He'd never had breakfast waiting for him when he'd woken up before. Not even when he'd been dating or living with other people. And definitely not in bed. 

Ash had also outdone himself on the food, too. There wasn't just an omelet and some bacon, but also pancakes, potatoes, fruit, and even biscuits!

He really made all of this without regular flour? 

He had to have done it all from scratch, then. 


With a shaky hand Ru picked up the fork on the side of the tray and after adding a little packet of syrup Ash had left for him, he carefully cut a piece off from the pancake, then lifted it to his mouth. 

Crow-(mxm) (Rever series 5)Where stories live. Discover now