Crow 16

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I don't ever want to move from these arms again. 

As if hearing his thoughts, those warm arms gently tightened around him, making Ru give a quiet, content exhale. 

"Good morning, babe," Ash finally whispered against his hair as he began rubbing his back. 

Ru stretched out a bit more, loving the attention he was being given. After a few moments he slowly began rolling over, eventually ending up on his back for belly rubs. 

His shift really should have been a dog, because if it was one thing he enjoyed when waking up, it was a good bit of petting. 

And not even the perverted kind. Well, he enjoyed that, too, but just some gentle physical attention when first waking up was honestly a treat he loved to indulge in. 

So adorable...

There was a soft kiss after a few more minutes, then a gentle, warm pressure settled overtop his body as that soft kiss deepened into something dangerously hot. 

His mind swam as their tongues sparred, with Ash winning nearly every single bout with ease. He realized, toward the end of their fluster of kisses, that he might have gotten in over his head with such a young guy. 

While he was an absolute panting mess by the time their lips finally broke apart, Ash was all smiles as he peppered his face with little pecks and even nuzzled their noses together!

This energy... where can I get some? 

Ash burst out into a little fit of giggles, having undoubtedly heard his thoughts. He quieted pretty quickly, but when he leaned forward for one more kiss, Ru felt his heart stumble over itself at the heated expression on the man's face. 

"I'll give my sweet Ruru every last drop of it." 

That... that sounded so sweet, yet why am I beginning to sweat, too? 

"Hey Ruru?" 

Ru licked his bruised lips. 

"Yes?" he asked reluctantly, growing more nervous by the second. 

"Are you STD free?" 

Ru blinked, a bit surprised by the question. Most younger people don't even think about that sort of thing before they went at it. And granted, they'd already sucked each other off several times, so they were a bit behind on considering such things, too, but it was a good thing that Ash brought it up now. 

"Yeah, I am. I have a picture of the paperwork on my phone," Ru said, ready to reach over and grab it if need be. 

Instead of asking for it, Ash leaned back in order to sit on his torso, giving Ru a very generous view of his erect length. 

"Great! I am, too. Ashy has never really liked people in his space, so you're the first one I've even kissed in over a year." 

Ru felt his face warm as his inner crow pushed him to start preening his feathers... that weren't even currently present. 

"You're so adorable," Ash said, making Ru blush even deeper. 

He was just about to say something in response when his eyes suddenly went wide and he moaned loud enough to wake the dead!

What are you doing?! 

Ash had acted so abruptly that Ru was still processing that the man had basically lifted himself up, then reached between his legs to promptly impale himself on his length! 

The sight of him had saliva pooling in Ru's gaping mouth, but he still couldn't manage a single word. 

"Holy... shit that hurts," Ash rasped out as he moved his body around a bit, clearly trying to get more comfortable with the item he'd abruptly decided to shove up his ass! 

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