Backstage...with Me and @Naughty_And_Spice !!!

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Dedicated to @Naughty_And_Spice for her detailed expressing of how much she wanted to 'slap Niall in the face' every time I made him do something bad in the story :) 

Love you girl!


Lauren's POV

"Okay guys!" I yelled. "Get your arses in here. Stat!"

The entire cast and crew of The Guitar Buddy Trilogy filed into the room, sitting on the couches and beanbag chairs. My friend Arsh was the last one in the room, as she closed the door, and walked right up to Niall.

"Uh, hi love," Niall stammered, intimidated by her glare. 

Her gaze hardened as she brought her hand up and whipped him right across the face.

"Ow!" Niall shrieked. "What the hell?"

"You slap Skylar, you're going to get slapped," Arsh said, her glare not breaking. "I'm sure there are dozens more slaps from other readers that you're going to get."

Niall flinched. "I didn't mean to, it was an accident! Lauren?" he asked, turning to me.

"What?" I asked, embarassed. "Arsh, you shouldn't have slapped him, the readers don't know his reasons yet! Plus they kissed."

"They what?" Tiffany shrieked.

A look of horror crossed my face. "Oops."

"Niall James Horan!" Tiffany yelled.

Skylar shrank back in her chair, clearly not in the mood to be put on the spot. "Was NOT my idea," she grumbled.

"Guys, please, for the readers' sake, please don't make a big deal of it until you find out in the book," I pleaded.

"Fine," Tiffany snapped, tossing her orange hair and leaning on Keaton's shoulder.

Hmm. I sensed a secret affair going on. 

"So what are we doing here?" Niall snapped.

"I think you guys should buckle up and get along." I crossed my arms. "I mean, you're all going to get along by the end of the series."

"Oh please," Tiffany sniffed. "As if I'd ever get along with her." she pointed at Skylar.

Skylar's face was bright red. "I don't want your flipping boyfriend, Edwards!"

"That's not the point, he loves you and he just won't admit it," Tiffany yelled, and then started to cry.

We all gaped at her as Niall stared at the floor uncomfortably.

"Now now, let's not jump to conclusions," I said hastily, beginning to regret calling this meeting.

"Yeah," Arsh said, coming to my defense. "Or does Little-Miss-Edwards need a slap just like her boyfriend too?"

Tiffany reddened and shrunk back. "No thanks."

"Anyways," I said, coughing. "I need to talk to Liam. And Niall, and Skylar. I need to know why the slap happened," I said, glaring at the Irish blonde.

Niall scowled. "It wasn't supposed to happen, it was just a spur of the moment!"

"So that's why you asked to talk to me, and then--" Skylar began, but I silenced her with a look.

"Seriously, we don't want to spoil things for all our readers," I said sternly.

"Sorry," Niall and Skylar sighed.

"I think we're done here," I decided. "Sorry for those of you who weren't needed. Li, Ni, Sky, meet me in my office after everyone else has left. You're all dismissed."

Everyone filed out.

"Am I still needed?" Arsh asked hopefully.

"No, I don't need any threat of physical violence," I said. "But thanks."

"No problem, give me a shout if you do," she said, before walking out.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

Never was I going to call this crazy backstage meeting ever again.

So like I said earlier, dedicated to my bestie @Naughty_And_Spice because she's always going on about wanting to slap Niall. So as a present, I decided to stick her into one of these chapters and have her slap the leprechaun after he'd done something stupid.

Hope you liked it, another chapter coming up sometime this weekend!

Love, Lauren. 

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