Chapter 24

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Dedi'd to... @DirectionerLuv24 :)

Skylar's POV

Jenna blinked. "It's so...sunny," she said, surprised.

I laughed, adjusting my beach bag. "You act as if you've never been to the beach, Jen."

"I haven't," Jenna admitted.

My eyes grew huge. "YOU HAVENT? How have I not known this?"

She laughed. "I don't know, it never came up, I guess."

"Well you're going to love it," I said, smiling.

"I'm sure I will, California looks awesome," she said.

"You don't have any new cases?" I asked as we walked down the boardwalk.

"Not at the moment, the firm has a ton of new applicants, and only the really good lawyers are getting cases. Not that I'm complaining, I love having free time. Although I'd like some distraction from the whole break up thing." Jenna's blue eyes filled with sadness.

"Aww, Jen," I said.

"Whatever." She squinted and glanced at the beach. "Where were they meeting us?"

"I don't know," I admitted, pulling my cell phone out.

"THERE YOU TWO ARE!" a familiar voice squealed.

I wheeled around, a smile forming on my face. "TIFF!" I said, and we ran up to each other.

"How've you been?" she asked, grinning.

"All right," I said, cocking my head. "Tiff, this is Jenna. Jenna, this is Tiffany."

"Hi," Jenna said, smiling.

"Hi," Tiffany said.

"Where are the boys?" I asked.

"Right here, Skater Girl," Wes said from behind me.

I spun around and flung my arms around him. "Hey Wes!"

"Hey Skater," Wes said, smirking.

"Don't call me that," I said, swatting him. "It's embarrassing."

"First girl to ever out board any of us," Wes said, ruffling my hair.

"Stop it," I groaned.

"Hey!" Keaton said, coming over. He picked me up and swung me around. "Long time no see, Skater Girl."

I groaned again. "That stuck fast."

"Yup," Keaton said as I glared at Wes, or at least tried to. Keats was really whipping me around fast.

He just stuck his tongue out at me. When my feet touched the ground again, I was super dizzy. I stumbled a bit and collapsed on the sand. Then I glared at Keaton. "Was that really necessary?" I asked, closing my eyes. 

"Sorry, I may have overdid it a bit," Keaton said, walking over to his girlfriend and sliding an arm around her waist. "Let's hit the waves!"

3 hours later...

"I had a fantastic day, guys," Jenna said, giggling as we headed back to our hotel.

"So did we," Keaton said, grinning. "It's been so nice to get a break since our US Tour."

"I know, right?" Tiffany said. "I think I lost about 6 months worth of sleep."

"You weren't even performing though," I said, confused.

She laughed. "I'm the entourage." Her smile fell slightly. "I can't join you guys on the next one though, I'm hitting the road on my own tour."

"Oh yeah, your dance tour!" I said, smiling. "That must be so exciting!"

"It is," Tiffany said. "I've been working on a lot of different numbers to perform, and I'll probably be choreographing minutes before I have to get onstage," she said sheepishly.

"She's amazing," Keaton said proudly.

"I want to see," Jenna said as we left the boardwalk and headed down the sidewalk. Despite it being 6 o'clock in the evening, the streets were still bustling with sound, people, and activity.

"The routine isn't done yet, but I can show you an episode from where we were on ABDC," Tiffany said, pulling out her phone as passed a nearby cafe.

"Hey, can we watch while eating?" Wes asked. "I'm beat, I need fuel."

We all laughed. "Sure," Jenna said, and the five of us, sorry, six of us walked into the cafe, let Drew place our meals, and scoped out a table.

When Drew returned with the food, Tiffany played the video.  See Chachi Gonzales (actress who plays Tiffany) and her dance troupe IaMmE (ABDC Season 6 winners) dance to Nicki Minaj on the side!

"Whoa, you're so good!" Jenna gushed as our eyes were glued to the video.

"Thanks," Tiffany said, blushing. "I was 15, that year, I think."

"Only," Keaton said. "Good grief, the things you do with your body--" He cut himself off.

We all just stared at him.

"Bro, that just came out wrong," Wes said, shaking his head as the girls dissolved into giggles. Tiffany was bright red, but her eyes were smiling.

I watched as Tiffany was used as a swing. "The choreography is amazing, I know why you guys won," I said, and bit into my sandwich.

"Thanks, guys," Tiffany said as she put her phone away. "Drew, thanks for the food," she said, breathing in her chicken salad. "This smells amazing."

"It's just salad," Wes said, shaking his head.

"It just has the aroma of...I don't know, like fresh spices," Tiffany said, shrugging, then stabbing her fork into a bunch of leaves.

"Vicious, vicious," her boyfriend teased, and she pretended to fork him as well.

As we were all laughing around and teasing each other playfully, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the caller ID. "Be right back guys, I gotta take this call."

They nodded and I walked outside for a moment. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey babe," Eleanor said. "I have news."

"Did Niall and Ashlyn elope?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, but thank god that's not it," Eleanor said. "It's different."


"Simon Cowell wants to talk to you."

"What? Why?" I blurted out.

"I don't know, he just said he needs you to be at SyCo tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, and also said it was convenient that you were in California for the week," Eleanor said.

I felt something restless growing in my stomach. "That's it? To be at SyCo at 9 am tomorrow?"

" bring your guitar."

"How the hell did he know I brought my guitar with me?" I asked, suddenly horrified. 

"I'm assuming the boys told him you don't go anywhere these days without it," Eleanor said. "However, I don't know."

"Great, thanks, El." I swallowed. The excitement and adrenaline had suddenly drained in an instant.

"Kay bye," she said. 

I hung up and stared blankly at whatever was in front of me, not really seeing.

What the hell did Simon have in store for me tomorrow?

Quick reminders: My contest is ongoing until APRIL 30TH SO ENTER UP PEOPLE! Second, if you want to do a fan interview about ETU, INBOX ME!

Dedication to the person who gives me the most creative answer to my question of the chapter:


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