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Dedi'd to @Delicato!

PLW14: If Skylar does not end up with Niall (not saying she won't) who would you like to see take his place?

D: I think we should bring in a new character, one that isn't a celebrity. Just a normal average guy, maybe one that helps her overcome her stage fright and makes Niall realize what he's missing.

PLW14: What are your thoughts on Ashlyn right now? Do you think she's acting out because of something in her personal life, or do you think we're seeing her true colours being revealed?

D: I didn't really ever like Ashlyn from the start. She seems like a snobby little girl who has to have everything her way. I think there definetly is something going on with her though.

PLW14: Based on what's happened so far, do you honestly believe we'll see a happy ending for Skiall at the end of ETU?

D: Lets just say I'm expecting the unexpected.

PLW14: *Smiles* Good choice. You've read Chapter 23. Do you think Skylar and Jenna will find love in California? (I sent questions out before I updated Chapter 24, so this question has been answered already).

D: Whelp this is late but... I thought that they might've. Tiffany could've easily set Jenna up with Drew or Wes.

PLW14: Would you like to see Niall or Skylar make the first attempt to reconcile their relationship?

D: Both. What Niall did was wrong and he needs to really make it up to her. But Skylar won't accept Niall's previous apologies and she kinda needs to. She keeps saying I wish things could go back to before, but that won't happen unless she forgives Niall.

PLW14: Who is your favourite 1D "real-life" couple: Payzer, Elounor, or Zerrie?

D: ELOUNOR!! They are so cute and they had better get married or I swear I will make them!

PLW14: Aww, I love them too :D Here's the BIG QUESTION: Do you think Skylar will forgive Niall and why?

D: I think that Skylar will end up forgiving him, just because the desire to be with someone you're comfortable with is much greater than the desire to hate. They've been through so much, good and bad, and Skylar can't give that up without really hurting herself beyond repair.

PLW14: Cool. Thanks so much!

Remember, if you want an interview, iNbox me! Lauren.

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