Chapter 2: Damn Reincarnation, II

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I was trembling in horror at the sight of the two towering sculptures, and I couldn't even remember the pain I was in. It appeared to be a nightmare. The sculptures with two pairs of piercing crimson eyes locked on me.

I could feel the bloodthirstiness emanating from the moving sculptures.

"Kekekekeke.... Gigigigigi.... Kekekekekkekeee..."

They were laughing as if they had discovered a new and exciting toy.

One of the statues had full body armor on and was carrying a mace in one hand and a shield in the other. The other statue had feminine characteristics and was clutching a harp while donning a robe. If not for the ominous and wide grin, the woman's face was carved to appear angelic.

As the first statue lunged towards me with uncanny speed, I instinctively dodged its mace, narrowly evading the bone-crushing impact. The impact caused the ground on which I was standing to crack.

That was close! If I was even a second late, I would have gotten crushed into a bloody mess.

I didn't know if I was lucky enough to be able to avoid all of their strikes, so I ran away from the statues as soon as I could. My ribs were audibly thumping, and my limbs were being propelled by an adrenaline rush. They were tall enough to be comparable to four-story buildings, and they could only take a few steps to narrow the distance between them and me. I couldn't run continuously and think of a plan quickly. Moreover, their feet were big enough to crush me to death with just one step.

The statues didn't seem to be attacking me seriously, as if I were a mouse that they may capture at any point.

I was becoming very tense. My attention turned higher as the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, revealing a towering statue holding the mace firmly in its stone grip. The statue's icy, implacable gaze pierced mine.

My gaze was drawn to a blade on the floor, which I instantly picked up. But how on earth was I going to fight a statue with a sword?

The last time I got into a physical fight was when one of my former classmates suddenly punched me for making fun of him. Of course I punched him back that time. But even then, I had never handled a sword because I was from a place where the use of weapons was strictly prohibited.

The warrior statue made a sudden leap forward, brandishing its mace with deadly accuracy. I prepared to defend against its constant attack as I braced myself, my heart thumping in my chest. Our weapons collided, resonating through the air as sparks flew in a brilliant display.

A golden halo surrounded my entire body, and the impact from the weapons colliding sent me flying against the wall.

I coughed up blood. But I didn't feel as much pain as I anticipated while I was falling. My body's armor plate was gleaming, so perhaps that is what created the halo and shielded me. But the sword I used to block the blow was destroyed right away.

The sitting statue I saw at the beginning was in the center of the chamber, surrounded by several standing sculptures. I used the opportunity to protect myself and hid behind one of the standing sculptures. The statue of the harpist abruptly began to pluck the string with its fingers. The noise was deafening and felt as though something had struck the floor in front of me.

The armored statue that was wielding a mace and a shield stopped, as if it dared not strike the statues that were already standing. The other statue, which also had a harp, abruptly stopped grinning. If the face on the feminine statue had previously been heavenly, it now has a demon's appearance. Once more, it struck the harp with its angry-sounding fingers, and this time, it hit the standing one of the statue's arms with more force. I sprinted away to escape the falling debris.

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